"Pete, you live here now... plus, it's not my turn to make dinner today. Be careful on the obstacle course if you do try it out", Tony exclaimed.

"Thanks", Peter responded wanting o get out of Mr. Strak's way as soon as possible so he wouldn't get fed up with the teen boy. 

Peter made his way down many floors until he made his way to the garden that had all the obstacle courses in. He stared at the arrangement of wooden structures that were set up outside in multiple lines, each had electronic pads placed next to them which Peter guessed were for timing. He started with what looked like a medium level course that had around 10 wooden walls, high bars, and many more constructions. He started the timer and set off. The boy managed to complete three rounds of this course in under four minutes, which was rather impressive if he did so say himself. He did this course again and some others for around an hour or until someone would stop him. 

Suddenly, a voice randomly echoed out of the blue...

"Peter, Sir would liken to remind you of dinner which is in five minutes in the dining room on the third floor", Friday exclaimed with a monotone voice.

Only then did Peter remember the dinner that he was to be present at and quickly rushed out of the large garden thanking Friday on the way. He made his way up to the third floor in a record time of two minutes (yes Petter loved to time things). Before entering the room that smelled familiarly like mac and cheese. This was a meal that Aunt May use to serve Peter and Uncle Ben every Wednesday before he had died; Peter's heart ached at the memory that was so special to the teen but smiled at the same time due to the familiarity. He brushed a hand through his curly mess of hair and smelled his shirt in hope that it didn't completely smell of sweat and garden, the boy wanted to look some type of presentable if he was to have dinner with Mr. Stark.

As soon as he entered, he heard a swarm of voices sudden enter the atmosphere and the smell of mac and cheese became pleasingly stronger (Peter was extremely hungry as he hadn't eaten since early this morning). To Peter's shock there in front of him sat down at one of Mr. Stark's marble tables was ten of the Avengers. The teen knew that Mr. Stark lived with them however he did not know that they would be at dinner. His nerves instantly grew and he wished that he had changed out of his dirty shirt. Peter mentally cringed and fanboyed at the same time.

"Hey Pete, sit!" Tony shouted from across the room with enthusiasm as he spotted Peter on the other side of the room, stood in a corner with an awkward smile plastered on his face.

All eyes turned to the teen, who was walking forward to the table, they all looked rather pleased to have another person to join their table.

Tony could sense Peter's sudden nervous manner and so quickly gestured to the seat next to him in the hope that Peter would sit next to him.

"H-h-hi I'm Peter... Um, I guess I know all of you guys but uh yeah", the boy spoke up awkwardly, cringing at his utter awkwardness. 'Fuck... get it together Parker', the boy thought to himself. 

The Avengers, however, smiled in response and Natasha welcomed him. "Hey Peter, we've heard a lot about you, Tony couldn't keep his mouth shut for the last seven hours", the spy greeted the teen with a warm smile while Tony blushed a deep red.

'Oh my... The Black Widow just say hi to me', he thought but replied by nodding, trying to cover his large smile.

"Hey, kid you want some mac and cheese?", asked a middle-aged man who Peter recognized as none other than Clint, Hawkeye.

"It was Steve's turn so don't expect that shit to be that good", added a sarcastic Sam Wilson... 'The Falcon!'

"Hey, language!" exclaimed the guy with blonde hair sat next to Bucky with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Yeah thanks, that um would be great", Peter replied instantly already feeling welcomed into this dinner and a lot more calmed than he was before.

The rest of the night was filled with joy and laughter as Peter settled into his new family and got to know everyone at the table. He liked how Nat was so sneaky as she kept adding extra cheese onto Clint's mac and cheese, how Steve would constantly act as the father figure to almost everyone (even Mr. Stark which Peter would laugh at later when he was alone), and with Bucky quietly smiling at his side. Clint and Sam had some staring contest and Wanda was constantly talking to Vision about something. Pietro was by the side of Tony laughing at the staring contest that was going on opposite him and Bruce just sat there confused yet he still had his familiar smile printed on his face. Peter added casually to the conversation sometimes and the Avengers got a pretty good understanding of the teen sat at their table. They all liked Peter that was for sure, and he liked them back.




AGGHHHHHHH... I love some Peter and Avengers action!!

Note: I have decided to not have Pietro killed off because I honestly really loved his character and was really sad when he died ):

Now that we have the Avengers involved, what action do you want to see with them?

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