My hero Pt. 1 (Stiles Stilinski)

Start from the beginning

As you and Stiles approached Scott, the other pack took a menacing step forward, letting out a deep and low growl that caused the two of you to stop in your tracks. Although you could fight and Stiles...partially could, the two of you were still human and stood no chance against the werewolves. Once you were mauled, dead would come and grip you by the neck. No healing, just gone from this world. Fortunately, it wasn't only toe two of you here. Malia, Lydia, Derek, Liam and Theo were all here to help. Your friends bravely charged forward, causing the rival pack to falter a little before doing the same. While the enemies were distracted, you and Stiles quickly attended to Scott who groaned in agony, clutching onto his wounds through his torn shirt.

"G-go, I'll heal soon. They're strong. Don't try to fight, you guys can't heal." Scott Warner through gritted teeth.

From the corner of your eye, you could see your pack members fighting. Clawing, punching, and of course, Lydia's ground shaking screams. However, none of the enemies were willing to back down. Instead, they were still standing strong while Scott's pack was evidently losing. Malia already had gashes on her face and legs, Derek, Liam and Theo has it worse, with large cuts stuck onto their chest and stomach. They were obviously in as much pain if not even more than Scott, the energy draining out of them quickly. After all, the opposing pack still outnumbered you guys and it was hard to put up a fight with the Alpha down.

"C'mon, Scott. Heal faster. We're losing." Stiles mumbled, anxiety and distress diffused out of the boy.

"Aahhh." Scott groaned, hoping to trigger the healing process by sinking his claws in his thighs.

"Oh no, we're losing. Really bad." Stiles slid a quick glance at the barbaric fight that unraveled in front of you guys.

"No shit, Sherlock." You glared at him, rolling your eyes in exasperation. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, looking slightly hurt at your comment.

"Screw it, I'm going." You pushed yourself up and rushed forwards to help. Stiles stretched a hand out, hoping to grab you by the arm and tug you back, but all he held was a handful of thick, foggy air.

He cursed under his breath. First of all, he couldn't stop you from fighting, second, he had to attend to Scott right now, third, he would probably end up dead if he went after you and entered the battle. The teenager had no choice but to scold himself for being so useless and unable to protect you. Little did you know that Stiles cared for you so so much, more than anything in the world. The moment he settled his eyes on you in school, his crush on Lydia was gone like a wisp of smoke. You were beautiful and your personality was extremely likable and really badass. You were kind, determined, stoic, and more importantly you had a sense of humor which was what Stiles loved the most. However, he had been too scared to ever confess to you because he was afraid you thought of him as some awkward friend. He didn't want to blow your friendship just for a relationship because the friendship between you guys were too precious.

"Stiles, y-you shouldn't have let her gone." Scott mumbled. The Alpha has now regained some strength but was still in pain. A couple more minutes and the wounds might heal enough for him to pick himself up for a fight again.

"Fuck, I know. But I can't control her. I love her so much but she doesn't know." Stiles ran a desperate hand through his messy brown locks, looking up to keep an eye on you.

You held onto the crossbow which Allison gave you, aiming it at one of the Betas and shooting it right in the leg, then the next arrow embedded into his shoulder. The beta howled in pain, falling onto his knees as he yanked the two arrows out. Though the Beta wasn't willing to back down, he was strong. You dashed towards your enemy and struck him in the head with the weapon in your hand, causing him to double over in pain. You made a mantel note not to go too far as to kill him even though you wanted to just pierce an arrow into his skull. Scott's code was to never kill anyone so you couldn't, never revealing the cold blooded killer side of you.

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