The Secret Squadran

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Elita's pov

I just looked at the children for at least an answer. They instead introduced themselves. They asked me how many bots were on there team. I decided to let ask. I told them with a heavy sigh, "About 9 bots so   far." "How do you know Optimus?" They asked me with curiosity. I told them the tale of Megatronus and the young bot who rebeled. "I'm an old friend of his. Him and I used to be co-workers, working as clerks. And then Megatronus, a gladiator, decided for different rights for other bots. He went to the high council as a result. He tried pleading and reasoning. He was about to get there vote when a young bot under Alpha Trion's supervision went to the high council as well. This young bot told the high council that everyone, no matter how big or how small is allowed equal justice under the laws of Primus vs Unicron. And this young bot was looked upon greatly by the high council. They took a few minutes but when they were done, they ruled over the young bot than Megatronus' rule. Megatronus was furious so he lead a coup to assassinate the young bot. Before they knew he had escaped the city under the protection of the council, the young bot was petitoned to become a Prime, the highest honor anyone can be bestowed upon on our planet. The petition was granted and he was given the matrix the next day. He was given by the council an assignment. He was to protect anyone that needed and/or wanted the help. And so he has been doing exactly that for eons. And his name is Optimus Prime." The children now knew of how important he was.

Chromia's pov

I looked at them for a minute for they were in a state of awe. I then looked around the room to see Firestar, Lancer, Greenlight, Flareup, Moonracer, Windblade, and Nautica. And they were surprised as well. Lancer after a few minutes went back to work. She was secretly typing up Jenny's medical records. She trying to find out the same thing Ratchet was trying to find out. Until Elita told her to stop. I saw that she had a tough desicion and she made it in a matter minutes. She told her earthen liason, Agent Lorsky to get a two person robotic subsitute. It was because earlier, Jenny asked if they could do anything to help. So Elita got the idea to test the armor on the two earthen children. Lancer didn't exactly agree with it but it was the only way to test it.
So Elita asked the to get into the testing armor. The armor then closed and they tried walking around in it. It was just funny to watch them tumble and fall for hours. Until Jenny asked if it was okay if one of the bots dropped them off near Optimus' base. Elita told me to drop them off and what they didn't know was that I changed my form to be a Custom Teal Lamborgini. It was considered a hot rod to the other femmes so I called it. When I arrived to the spot they wanted, they told me to head home. But I didn't listen and I stayed to see them being picked up by a blue and red big rig. After a few minutes of following them, Elita gave orders to come back, but it was already too late. They saw me go near the base and now they know what to look for. I drove away as fast as I could but it wasn't fast enough. I got captured because they thought I was a decepticon. The big yellow bot held me and because of my struggling, I was then held by a big 4 wheel driver. He was big and green and the bot holding my legs was a big green bot with huge cannons. I was then taken to there base and placed in a room with the medical bot. He told me to sit still and I listened.
It was a few minutes that a big blue and red bot came in with a few humans. He kept asking me questions about who I worked for and why did I follow them. I just became quiet. Until a little human walked in and asked Optimus with concern, "Why are you asking Chromia a bunch of questions?" Optimus and Ratchet looked at her for a few minutes, they then turned to each other and nodded. They then released me and asked me where our base was located. And the only I told him was a hint. I told him, "Think about Construction." They didn't get it but I decided not to stick around for more questions so I drove away and I drove fast.

Jenny's pov

Optimus looked down at me and said,"Young one, do you have an idea of where there base was?" I looked over at Miko and then I looked around the room. I looked down and I was trying to think of an answer. He asked the same question again. I was just staring down. Just thinking about what Chromia had said.
Flashback starts
Around the time we arrived at the drop off
"Don't reveal our location, it'll be compromised. Besides we want to surprise them with our appearance. Especially Optimus Prime. Do not tell him about us or our location for our base."
Flashback ends

When I looked up, I saw myself in a different room like it was a dream. Standing in front of me was a man in a Military General's uniform and had a weird version of the autobot symbol in front of 4 stars on his shoulder. He was about 6 ft 9 and he had bright blue eyes like husky blue eyes. He also looked to be about 29 or 30 yrs old. It was General Orion! I just looked at him in amazement. After I looked up, I instantly hugged him and I kept squeezing. He hugged back and surprisingly didn't frown when he did it.
After a few minutes to savor the moment, I looked around to see 6 people with him. He was the tallest so I had that going for him. I saw one that was 6 ft 2 and he wore a red and white jacket and had white pants on. He was a little older then Orion. He looked about 40 or 41 yrs old. He had a scar over his mouth and one of his eyes. He had the same color except a little more greenish. He looked like he was the medic. His name was Field Medic Atche Ronstorn.
One was taller and he was big, buff and green. He looked like he was a construction man. He had a beard or it was scruff. Hard to tell.  He introduced himself. His name was Sgt. John Nombarden. One was small, probably 5 ft 9. She had a Blue Marine's uniform and she had black hair. Her name was Lt. Riley Ceel. One was younger. He was about 5 ft 12 and he looked to be about 25 yrs old. He had a bright yellow jacket on and bright yellow pants and both pieces of clothing had a stripe or two of black. He looked like a giant bumblebee. His name was Braxton Bricke. And the last one had a white jacket on with blue and red stripes going down the side of the jacket. He had black hair and bright blue eyes. He had on blue pants and he was about 5 ft 12. He looked to be about 23 yrs old. His name was Micheal Yoreh.
I was relieved to be with Atche for some odd reason. He felt like I could open up to him. Like how I open up to Ratchet at the Autobot base. Orion told me that he was the Commander of team called Automen but soon he had to retire. He had to go to the moon to do a mission. He reminded me of the guy my stepmom dated for awhile. But he wasn't that small. He was 6 ft 11 He was really tall. And buff.

Optimus' pov

The poor child had no idea that General Orion was me. While I was in that form, she was always afraid to mention her mother. She says to me, "I've never met my mama before. I wish I did before the accident and me being adopted by The Director." She was scared about this topic so I changed it to make her more comfortable. I changed the topic to Chromia and the secret base. I knew that she knew about the location of her base. I started a conversation, "You know, Optimus and I are close friends and he shares everything with me. Like when he found out you were abused......." As I kept going she started to zone out and tear up. I continued, "He was concerned about your safety. He called me and said that you needed a place to stay. Since I am your new legal guardian, he asked me if I could ask you if you felt comfortable about staying with him." She smiled and said with tears of joy and fear, "Yes,..... please!" She hugged me and kept crying. It wasn't the best time to ask her about Chromia's base. I picked her up and held her close. I never knew I could produce these feelings for a human child. It was silent for awhile until I heard a small peep. I opened my eyes to see her asking me not to crush her. I softened up the hug. And she fell asleep in my arms. I told her quietly while she was asleep, "I'll drop you off tomorrow." As I looked at Ratchet, he was smiling. He said to me, "I found out why Megatron wanted her." He showed me a piece of paper that was titled, "DNA Results of Jenny Paxonite." It didn't show DNA but a Genome Code instead. She wasn't human. She was Cybertronian. And what came more surprising, she was my Daughter.

Author's Note:
This ending part is part of the next chapter
Sry it is so short!

Jenny Paxonite, The daughter of a PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now