Overprotective Mother

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Director Kilonite's pov

I wake up to the sounds of Agent Silas banging on my door. I open the door to see a video of my adopted daughter within a overgrown tin can. I then command Silas to ready the tanks. I knew the Autobot driving my daughter around. His name sickens me. I don't even know why my daughter rides with him. Probably because she doesn't know who he really is. Agent Silas says to me, "Director Kilonite, we've spotted your daughter and the intended target, do you want us to apprenhend them?" I say to him, "No, wait for any signs of trouble, then and only then, we can attack. Besides, I want her to know who he really is. That big bucket of "Niceness" and "Leadership" And she'll know soon why I hate him sooo much."

Back at Base

Arcee pov

I'm walking around with Jack on my shoulder telling my story of what I was before the war started until a beep came on com saying, "Prime! Where's Prime?" It was Agent Fowler and Special Agent Galloway. They were yelling about Decepticons and I stopped listening for awhile until they got to the part where MECH Director Kilonite was spying on Optimus. I knew she was going to be trouble from the minute she became the Director. So I asked Ratchet to connect the Director to Optimus to sort it out. Ratchet connected them to Optimus but there was no response. He then tried his communicator, no response. Ratchet got little worried until on his 7th try, he finally answered saying, "Ratchet, there better be a reasonable explanation for why you are calling me." He then got an answer from the Director. We decided it was safer to listen in on their conversation. She said to him in a threatening tone, "Look, I don't know what your doing with my Daughter but if you think that I'm just going to sit here on my ass just thinking about what your doing to torture her, you are sadly mistaken." He responded like no other. We have never heard him say any of this before.

He said to her in the most threatening tone ever saying, "Hey, I did not take her, she asked me for the ride first of all. Second of all, I found out who you put her with. That was your mistake not mine. She was crying so much when she came home from her last trip. She had Blood coming from her eyes, nose, and mouth not mention her cuts which were as deep as a trench in the ocean! She wanted us to take care of him for her. Unfortunatly, we cannot harm a single human. Last but not least, You are always away on retreats! She comes here if she does not want to be around your so-called replacement. She hates it there and there is no replacement for a creator's love." The Director started to tear up. And then she said, "God help you, God help you all." She hung up and so did Optimus. I was surprised. I never heard Optimus stand up to a human before. He's always been gentle when it came to that stuff.

Optimus' pov

I was pissed off at Tammy. She had no right to put Jenny with a total stranger and keep her from any outside contact. The poor girl. She was always shy when it came to humans but Tammy.... why did her adopted mother have to be Tammy. I was literally on the state border to Jenny's first stop. It was Austin, Texas. She was asleep. The poor child. She was never the type to ever get herself into trouble. She's only 7 yrs old. She doesn't deserve this. I'm actually considering that she stay with us. She deserves a better home than that slag's home called hell. She's different from other children, I just can't figure it out. How is she different? Just then, Ratchet called. He asked me, "Where are you right now?" I responded saying, " I'm in Austin, Texas. What do you need?" He then told me that Decepticons killed her Aunt and Uncle. They were heading towards us. I hoped to that they wouldn't attack. But they did. And I was carrying a little girl in my chest.

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