Optimus and Jenny: The 2nd Tronus

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Elita-One's pov

We put a bug on Bumblebee's comm and hoped he wouldn't find out. Hatchet, Moonracer, Nautica, Firestar, and the rest of the female Autobots (Arcee, Greenlight and a few of my OC's, Sunglider, Whiteshot, and Blackshot) found out that Jenny was on the Nemesis. But what couldn't figure out was why. Hmmm. I then answered a comm called by Chromia. I asked, "What is it, Chromia?" Chromia says, "The other Autobots want to know if you guys will help out on a little mission. And they know about the bug on Bumblebee's comm. They want you to remove it after the mission." "Sure, Elita-one, out." I was hoping they wouldn't find it. Ugh. Time to explain to the big, bad Sire.

Jenny's pov

"Being the one to kill my best friend. Wow. Lot to take in. You know, there are a lot of things that peev me off. One of which is my looks. Another is the way my Pop treats me, but there's a reason for that. And another is you. While I'm up here trying my best to keep you from causing anymore trouble, you're down there doing whatever you can to destroy whatever I have. And you are going to pay me back by transforming."
She told me to transform. I said with worry,"Look, I've tried believe me. But you can't just force me to. Its really not my desicion. Its my bodys desicion. I can't force myself to." She kept hounding me about it too though. Then she told me some Decepticon hush-hush information. Like they're planning to attack Chicago to get more resources. I widened my eyes just for those words. I did not like those words. Trust me, I then actually did transform but not because of her. She told me to that so I could. I admire her at times but MilitiaTronus is not one to play around with. After awhile had passed, I transformed again but this time bulkier and a little more robust. I looked like a male Cybertronian. But not just any male, Optimus Prime. I was wondering why I transformed into him. I kept thinking that maybe I admire him to much. But then I got a visit from an old enemy of my mentor's, MegaTronus himself. I tried not to burst out screaming.
He took my servo and said, "You have very nice hands, young one. Do you workout?" I was trying so hard not to answer his questions. I just kept the comm on while they were talking to each other.

Optimus' pov

I looked around to see most of the Autobots there with me, supporting my every move. I said, "I am thankful enough for you to be joining me in this rescue mission. Some might make it, some might not and you all know that. But before we turn on our jets, does anyone have any concerns?" I heard nothing but silence itself. Then the Autobots that could fly, one being me, took as many Autobots as they could carry and flew upwards towards the Nemesis. I then found a sight error. Megatron knew we were coming. I hopefully had enough autobots to make it through.
So after we fly up high enough, the aeriel bots transformed and attacked the first squadren of Decepticons. Starscream was leading them. So the lead aeriel bot, Silverbolt, ordered the other aerielbots to transform and form Superion. Superion took Starscream and held him against the wall. As I running through the Nemesis, I kept thinking that it was time to finish Megatron off. So Jenny doesn't have to worry about being kidnapped again or torture. I also kept thinking about what they were doing to her now.
Then out of nowhere, a explosion occurred at the end of the hallway. I hoped it wasn't Megatron finishing Jenny off. I ran down there and it was just a Decepticon Minor bringing a bunch of tools to Megatron. We took the young Decepticon and held his mouth shut. I looked around the corner and it was Militia, Megatron, and a mystery bot that looked a lot like me. We then shocked Megatron and Militia. I took the mystery bot and what do you know, it was Jenny. She was just in Alpha Mode. When she woke up, she noticed that I was holding her bridal style and she looked up and said, "Optimus? What are you doing here? Where's Hatchet and Brisket?" I just looked at her and said, "They're fine, both of them are just fine." She peacefully went back to recharge mode. I watched her transform from a Robust figure to a small, liquid metal body. A protoform. It was cute. I smiled, took out my wings, and flew away. Along with all the other bots that helped rescue Jenny. As we flew back to base though, I kept thinking about the other Tronus, Militia. I was wondering how a con, even Megatron, would pull off a concept of love. He wasn't excatly a match for the heavens if you know what I mean.

Six hours later.......
Still Optimus' pov

I stood there at the end of the platform where Jenny was lying there, still in stasis. I just thinking about the other times Jenny was in trouble. And I even remember promising her mother, Tanya, that I would protect her at all costs. But I don't think that the promise would be considered kept. Sigh. I just took a seat next to Jenny as she transformed back to a human holoform. I looked downward and decided to power down. Maybe she'll wake up when I wake up.

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