Where am I?

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Ugh, talk about a skull splitting headache

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Ugh, talk about a skull splitting headache. Where was I? I woke up in what looked to be the middle of nowhere. It was so cold out there, it felt like I was going to freeze into a human popsicle. And as i sat in the silence, I kept hearing things, like voices in my head. These voices, they kept getting louder and louder to the point where i just shut them out of my head. I didn't hear anything after that. But then, after a few minutes, it continued. I yelled out to the heavens, but  then i remembered I had my comlink on. I spoke into it and some dude answered me in a language I didn't understand, Just some gibberish. All of them just kept on talking and talking until i just yelled into the comlink and said "SHUT UP!"  Once they calmed down, the dude yelled back saying "Watch your mouth little girl! Do you remember me? Do you know who your talking to? " He did sound familiar. I remember now! His name was Special Agent Tom Galloway. I recognized the name from my training courses and he was my liaison. Or my "guardian" he called himself.

When i spoke into the comlink to reply to him, 3 other people answered instead of him. I just wanted his response, not the other ones. But I just let it be. I kept hearing parts of there names while they talked, or should i say fought. One was Sgt. Nombarden and the second one was someone i knew very well because she was my mommy, Directer Kilonite. She was the new director of MECH. But then someone else interrupted her. He was called General Orion Paxton. I only knew that he was the leader of some group called the "Automen." I remembered that name from a piece of paper that said on the top of it, "Project Holoform." Anyway, I knew he was concerned by the way he sounded. He sounded determined, like he was on a mission. Especially when he asked Mommy where she saw me last. "I saw her going up the stairs to the top floor." She said calmly.

I decided to keep quiet and listen to their conversation. It was about me and why I would've been much safer somewhere else. Why would they talk about me. I just kept wondering why while I started walking to find shelter, but, the problem was that I was always either tripping on ice or falling into the tundra's cold water. I finally found some sort of shelter, it was a cave with a few scattered carcasses amongst the cavern floor. Creepy, yes. And yet I'm still the youngest person to even step foot in MECH headquarters. I kept listening into the conversation. I couldn't understand what type of words they were saying. They were saying big words. And some were swear words. I'm not allowed to say swear words. But that was because of my lack of education, i'm only 7 yrs old..... Don't Judge Me! Anyways, I just kept waiting and waiting and waiting.

After about 1 or 2 hours, I couldn't feel my hands so i started crying. But not just because of my hands but also because I was alone. Even if mommy finds me, I'll always be alone. She's always busy and the person she leaves me with abuses me. I don't like them. As I was crying, I finally heard someone call out in the icy tundra I was in. I turned off the comlink and I called out to them. It was Agent Galloway and Lt. Riley Ceel. They then started running towards the sound of my voice while they were contacting base. The base sent a medical unit. It was only about ten minutes later when I started to freeze. My legs, arms, my butt.... all frozen, like I was made out of water. I was as cold as ice. They came over and Galloway slipped me into his giant, furry jacket. They then put me onto a back-board and started to carry me to the helicopter.

After they carried me to the helicopter, i passed out. While I was sleeping though, i replayed all the events that took me towards the tundra.


Mommy! Mommy? "Mr. Galloway do you know where mommy is?"

"No, but you could check the top of the west wing. Just be careful, i know some of their planes are taking off."

"Why is that?"

"Our Arctic Units don't have anymore supplies so we have to literally drop them off."

"Alright, thank you Mr.Galloway"

"Yes, yes. Be reponsible and all that."

Five hours later......

I woke up to the sounds of screaming from my most recent video diaries. I used to post videos on my Vlog site. It qas popular but still had alot of viewers. Anyways, they saw all of them; The one from Canada, the one from my adventures in the alps, And the one from my trip to Swazeland. ( Don't ask why I went, its better for everyone if they just don't know.) The videos also showed my constant abuse from my host parent from day one. I was trying to hide it because I knew people and the Autobots would look at me differently. Especially one that I considered a hero and my mentor more than a friend. Optimus Prime is the one I'm talking about. He's strong, brave, loyal, and honest. He's a true leader. I hope to learn from him as I grow up. After I walked in, things got tense. Like everyone was staring at me. Then Dr. Ratchet approached me slowly. He said in a soothing tone, "Nice to see your awake, But do you mind me asking something? Why did you hide this from us?" Then the flood of questions came in. Question after question, I couldn't take it. So I screamed to the top of my lungs, "Just stop it!!! Now!! Please! I don't want to talk about it anymore! Don't you guys think I'm in enough pain already!?" I stormed out. I felt really bad about not giving them an explanation but I just kept on running.

Optimus' pov

I watched Jenny as she stomped out the door. Everyone felt pretty bad about talking about her. I saw her go into the recharge room. After about 2 hours later, I decided to check on her. When I looked inside, she was laying down near the corner. I checked if she was okay and she wasn't breathing. I picked up the tiny body and started running and yelling for Ratchet at the same time. He asked what had happened. I told him that when I looked in the room, she was laying near the corner. He told me that she had a small anxiety attack, she was going to be fine.

Jenny's pov

When I woke up, a girl and two boys were looking over me. I ask the girl with black hair, " Can you tell me where Ratchet is?" The girl yelled for Ratchet. He walked in and ordered me to lay down. I was scared at first but when I looked up Ratchet was the size of a human. He said to me in a happy tone, "Are you surprised? Well if you are, dont be. Every autobot had installed a custom holoform around the time you were born." He said that meant they could change into humans or look like them at least. I asked him while he was checking me, " Do you guys have different names when you are in holoform mode?" He replied " Yes. But I can't tell you or show you mine or everyone else's holoform mode." "Oh," I said sadly. But I understood why. He was telling me how they needed to keep a identity. But I didn't understand one thing. Why was Ratchet in Autobot form while being the size of a human? I don't really know and at times, i'd rather not know.

Ratchet's pov

Jenny was actually a really nice human. To tell you the truth, she's actually my favorite out of the 4. She could feel how other people were feeling. She was also really curious about autobots because she was asking me every question that popped into her head. I didn't mind it because she was just a child, they are always curious. But Jenny was a shy girl. She never speaks to anyone unless she was spoken to. But when I'm alone with her doing progress reports for Agent Fowler and Agent Galloway, she opens up. She probably just feels more comfertable being alone with another. When she plays her music, she plays it low because she knows that I don't like loud music while doing something important. She also tries to make conversation and its usually successful. It is because she knows to talk about something we both like. We both like silence. She feels relieved that whenever she's with me. That's why I cared when she was almost frozen like a statuette. I took one more look around and I asked her why she was like that. She responded by showing me her DNA test results. They apparently came in the mail just this morning. I looked at the papers and it said she had a father. I told her I was going to help her find her father. And I intended on keeping that promise.

More parts to come. Comment and give suggestions on what should happen next.

Jenny Paxonite, The daughter of a PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now