Escapeing the Nemesis

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Optimus' pov

I got to work on rescueing Jenny right away and I seriously worked until next month. This month was Jenny's birthday. She wanted to celebrate it with us. And then the Director just had to come and ruin it for her like she always does. I asked Ratchet to look up why Megatron and Starscream wanted Jenny. I asked Arcee to check around Jenny's area to see if there was any clue of her past from the neighboring humans. I demanded Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Jazz to scope the area from where she was taken. She dropped something there probably a clue. I was barking orders for a reason. A child's life. And The Director wanted to make it up to me and Jenny. So she gave orders to the Techs to find out who Jenny was. But the Director wanted all clearence. She was making me more and more angry by the moment and I still was angry with her about leaving Jenny alone for most of her life but at least she was helping us find her. I then hear Jackson Darby in the background and he asked me in serious tone, "Can I do anything to help?" I look down and I just look at him for minute. I then I hear the comlink.

Jack's pov

Once I asked Optimus if there was something I could do, he looked down and looked at me for only a minute. He was about to speak when the comlink went on. A distressed cybertronian asked if we knew a little girl by the name of Jenny. Once Optimus heard her name, he asked for the cybertronian's name. The comlink was silent for a bit. Then Jenny answered the comlink. She was scared and she was crying. She kept crying out Optimus' name. "Optimus, I..... I don't wanna be here anymore. Its dark and everyone keeps calling me a protoform. And why do they keep calling me that. What does it even mean?!" Jenny said in a scared tone. Ratchet knew it meant a child in their language. But for that moment, Optimus was focused on getting her out of the Nemesis.

Jenny's pov

I was scared. I couldn't speak right to Optimus. He told me to calm down and take anything around me that could be useful. I took a flare gun that was dropped by a disguise decepticon cargo holder, a extra sharp piece of cybertronian glass, and a piece of metal with engravings on it. He then told me to run down the hallway and take a left. Optimus was acting weird all of the sudden. I asked him, "What's wrong?" He told me strictly, "Now, Look up. You should see a red button and a purple button. I want you now to push the red button." But it was impossible for me to get up there. It was looked like it was exactly 13 ft off the ground. Just then the cybertronian I met while escapeing the Nemesis approached the button. It picked me up and it pressed the red button. We then were falling out of the sky. I was panicking. I didn't know what to do. So the cybertronian yelled to me, "Come here and hang on to my hand. Im going to take out my wings." I sky swam near the cybertronian and it pulls me in close and transformed its back into a pair of wings. We were falling fast now. 5000 ft....... 4000 ft........ 2000 ft. We just kept falling. My eyes were watering and my mouth was drying up. We were just about to hit the ground when the rockets turned on. We were then going really fast. I felt like I was jet flying through the sky. I closed my eyes hoping it was a dream. The cybertronian flew for about 2 hours and i kept asking it alot of questions. Like who it was? And then it stopped. It landed on a big mountain and put me down. I looked around to see a green pathway. The cybertronian smiled and said, "I hoped that this is what you want, kid." I looked inside to see Optimus, Bumblebee, and my mom come out of the pathway.

I was happy now. And I could tell Optimus was happy too! Or relieved really. He's never shown any emotion. Then the pathway closed. And Megatron was standing right in front of his pathway. He looked at us. Each and everyone of us. I was the one he was looking for and yet Optimus told him that he couldn't have me unless he went through him and Bumblebee. Megatron just kept looking at me. He pushed Bumblebee out of the way and he shot Optimus. He then took out a little device and he shot Optimus with it and then me. It hurt really bad and it felt like I couldnt breathe. I screamed and screamed until I felt something weird happen but before it could finish, Optimus knocked him out and threw him across the mountain. He then quickly asked Ratchet to do something. The green pathway opened again. He took me and ran onto the pathway and the next thing I know, I was at the Autobot base. And I still felt funny but I didn't mind it. I was just glad to be home. Then Ratchet came out and asked me quickly, "I need to run a few tests on you. I hope you don't mind." I looked at him and said, "After everything that happened, all I wanna do is sleep." Miko then came in all perked up and said, "Didn't they just lock you up?" At least they didn't know about what happened on there. Everything was a blurry sight. I looked at Miko and turned my head to see everyone staring at me silently, just waiting for me to answer. I couldn't tell them. So I just turned around and walked away.

Bulkhead's pov

The kid was in bad shape and everyone just kept looking at each other like they were clueless on what to do including me. But then Optimus then transformed into General Orion Paxxon and he went into her room to see her. All of us needed to test our forms anyway. And guess whos mine. Sgt. John Nombarden. That's my name in the "humane" world. Heh. Anyway, Once Optimus came out of her room, he explained everthing to us and I mean everything.

Jenny Paxonite, The daughter of a PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now