Chapter Thirty

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Mia sighed, looking out her window. She hadn't been able to do anything since she'd broken her wrist and it was killing her. She wasn't even allowed to use her powers or drive or anything. It was awful. Not only that, but she'd also just finished finals week. And writing with a broken wrist was not easy. At all.

"How are you doing?" her dad asked from the driver's seat. "You should be excited but you just look miserable," he told her.

"I'm happy," she protested. "Just thinking about how much I can do once this stupid cast is off," she admitted.

"I bet you are," her dad laughed.

"How much longer?" Mia asked.

"Just about ten minutes," he said. Mia looked out her window. In the distance, she could see Bay Bridge. She immediately thought of the fight. It wasn't a flashback like it normally was, though. It was just a memory.

Mia looked away quickly. Just because it didn't make her faint or have to go to the hospital, that didn't mean she wanted to see it.


Mia walked out of the door, sighing in relief. It had been awhile since she'd gotten her cast and it was nice to have it off. Mia rolled her wrist, getting used to it being free. "Hey, dad? Can I go to Blake's house?" she asked as she hopped in the car.

She hadn't been able to use her abilities for a month. Well, at least her lightning. She could do her invisibility and memory whenever she wanted but her lightning used her wrist too much. The thing that killed her was that there were more attacks. They weren't as strong. Just a fire lemur. Yeah, lemur. It was very weird and luckily not very strong or smart. The wind owl was hard though. It just knew exactly where to go and Mia could see the police men struggling. After being almost completely defenseless and unable to protect anyone, she seriously needed to use her powers.

"I think so. Why don't you ask him?" he suggested.

"Sure." Mia took her phone out of her jeans pocket and went to her contacts, clicking on Blake's profile.

Hey, what's up?

Not much. Wanna come over?

Mia smiled. I was literally just about to ask that. Lol.

Perfect! When can you get here?

Mia looked over to her dad. "Hey, how long till we can be at Blake's?" she asked.

"About half an hour," he told her, eyes still focused on the road.

Like half an hour?

See you then! XD


Mia felt her heart beating like it did literally every time she was within ten feet of Blake. Now that they were together, every one of her feelings was amplified. But... to be honest, Mia was worried that Blake would be mad about the Charlie thing. If it was her, she would be mad.

"Hey," he greeted, pulling her into a tight hug. Mia responded immediately, feeling an electric shock shoot up her spine at his touch. She smiled into his neck, smelling the familiar scent of mint.

Blake pulled away from the hug before pulling her into a kiss. His lips were perfect and the feelings filling her were more than anything she'd ever felt. And it wasn't like this forced feeling that she'd felt when she was kissing Charlie. It was a sweet, uncontrollable flutter. It was the best feeling she'd ever had.

Mia pulled away to breathe, resting her forehead against Blake's. "We should probably go inside. It's weird to just be out here kissing when anyone could watch," Blake laughed.

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