Chapter Three

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The minute Mia arrived at home she went to go talk to her dad who was in his office

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The minute Mia arrived at home she went to go talk to her dad who was in his office. Luckily, he had arrived home before them as his work was far closer than their school.

"Hey dad?" she asked, trying to catch his attention. He looked away from the computer screen and turned to face her.

"Yes?" he responded, still sitting in his computer chair.

"Could I hang out with a friend next saturday at noon?" Mia pleaded.

"What friend?"

"Umm..." she hadn't anticipated this. "Blake," she whispered.

"A boy?" her dad asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... yes," she admitted. "But I don't like him at all because he's mean and very annoying. The only reason I'm even hanging out with him is because he needs help with his homework," Mia lied.

"Okay, then. No funny business. Got it?"

"Got it," she responded, smiling at the thought that she had convinced him. She hated that it was Blake but she was also extremely happy that she would be able to hang out with somebody, even if it was only to talk about weird, creepy abilities.

Mia groaned as she got out of her bed before realizing that finally it was Saturday. That thought brought a smile to her face as she thought of what she could do.

"finally," she mumbled to herself happily. "I can just sit around and watch T.V. all day. I can write or eat way too many bowls of Lucky Charms. I can do whatever I want," she told herself, her grin growing by the second to the point where she was sure it was starting to look creepy.

She got up slowly, taking her sweet time. She got into the shower and let the warm water stream down her back washing away all of her worries from the past week. For those few calming minutes she forgot about everything. Her mom. Paige and Anna. Even her powers.

After finishing up her normal morning routine she ran downstairs and grabbed a pop tart before putting it in the toaster to heat it up. She sat down at the table and grabbed her phone. She saw that she had gotten a text from Blake.

Hey, we're hanging out today, right?

She frowned when she realized that she had indeed made plans with Blake. All of her happiness drained away when she realized that she had to go out of the house. Well, too late now. It would be rude to cancel at this point.

Yep. 12:00 at StarCoffee. See you there.

See you.

She looked at the clock to see that it was already 11:00.

She turned off her phone just as the pop tarts popped out of the toaster. She ate them quickly before going back upstairs to change into something other than sweats and a sweatshirt. After changing she quickly did her makeup and hair before grabbing her purse and running downstairs.

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