06 → apology accepted

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but does he have to do that in my jeep? She has enough problems already" Stiles stated, Emma pursed her lips as she reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. Her hand got intercepted on the way to his shoulder, but Brett's hand grabbing onto it.

Brett looked at her with wide golden-yellow eyes, his chest was heaving up and down. He looked terrified, it made Emma's heart hurt for him, "We're almost there, Brett. Just hold on a little longer" Emma reassured him, Emma glanced over her shoulder at Stiles, "Stiles."

"I know" Stiles pressed his foot down harder on the gas, Emma smiled at him and squeezed his hand. Never in a million years, this is how she'd be spending her night after tonight's lacrosse game. She more or so imagined giving Liam a pep talk after the game, and that it was okay that Devenford Prep's lacrosse team destroyed his. Because it was only a preseason game so it really didn't matter. Emma did know it mattered to Liam, because his pride is hurt, and men really do care about their pride. The jeep pulled to an abrupt stop which sent Emma flying backward to the dashboard, "Oh, sorry." Stiles apologized as he turned the car off.

The passenger side door opened and Emma turned her head to see a tall man with a full scruffy beard staring back at her. His eyebrows furrowed at the girl who was trying to sit the correct way, rather ungracefully in the presence of this beautiful man.

"Who are you?" He asked her, Stiles got out of his car and slammed the door shut making his way around to car to stand next to him.

"We don't have time for this! Emma this is Derek, Derek this is Liam's twin sister Emma!" Stiles exclaimed, Emma, hopped out of the jeep and moved to the side, so the boys could grab Brett. Emma made her way over to the large doors, she pulled them open as Stiles and Derek helped Brett inside. Brett's jersey was covered in the yellow liquid, he was shaking slightly.

They laid down Brett on the table and proceeded to take his shirt off, Dr. Deaton grabbed a scalpel from one of his metal drawers. Brett began to excessively shake. He was spitting the same yellow liquid out from his mouth. "Hold him down please" Dr. Deaton ordered. Derek, Stiles, and Emma moved to hold him down. It wasn't working very well because Brett was still fidgeting.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles shouted as Brett's arm kept slipping from his grasp. Emma was trying as hard as she could to keep Brett still, but he wasn't making it easy for them.

"He's been poisoned by rare wolfsbane. I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible" Dr. Deaton told them as he rounded the metal table, and stood next to Derek. Were all werewolves this strong? Because if so, if Emma was ever in a position where it was her against one, she's screwed. Emma barely managed to hold Brett up, and now she can barely manage to hold him down.

"Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles snapped towards the werewolf.

"Please" Emma begged with throaty tone. Her throat began to dry again, this was a workout. Having to hold down a seizing werewolf that was way stronger than her, was physically draining. Emma was baffled at how even with a werewolf they still couldn't keep him still.

"Yeah, I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength" Derek shot back to Stiles, she watched as Stiles' eyes narrowed towards the older werewolf. Emma let out a groan as her foot slipped, almost sending her to the ground. She regained herself, Emma continued to try and hold Brett still.

"If you can't hold him still, the incision might kill him" Dr. Deaton informed the three, Emma's eyes danced from Dr. Deaton down to Brett. His eyes were large and golden, as he spits out the wolfsbane.

"Derek, Emma, he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him" Stiles admitted. Emma watched as Stiles' hands were struggling to find something to grip. Brett's whole body was dosed in sweat so that aspect wasn't offering help to the three.

TWIN TELEPATHY - TEEN WOLF [1]Where stories live. Discover now