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As we knocked on the door I felt nervous. Mitsuki didn't know that we were dating yet.

She opened the door and we enveloped her in a big family hug.

"We're home mom." Said Katsuki when let go and walk inside.

"Hi kids. I missed you." She Squeaked.

"We missed you too mother." I said. She observed me and my new build and height. I was wearing a wearing all black suit and a tie my greenish blackish hair pulling everything together.

 I was wearing a wearing all black suit and a tie my greenish blackish hair pulling everything together

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More teenage like without the Jacket and a longer tie.

"How are you holding up mom." Said Katsuki.

"I'm good. So are you going to explain that." She said pointing to our intertwined hands.

I then looked at Katsuki then kissed her cheek gingerly.

"That answers your question mother." I said slyly.

"Mmhhm. Which base are you on."

"Contrary to popular belief were on third base. I only speak of the 4th base to calm her down when she's angry. One day though." I said.

"Yeah. He treathens that I won't walk the next day." Said a blushing Katsuki. Mother just smirked.

"Haha I see. Well I made dinner. I have extra because of... You want some." She recovered.

"Sure." We said in unison.

We sat at the table as we were handed our curry and rice.

"So how long have you two been a couple. Do you have friends." She questioned.

"For a few weeks. Mmm. We have two friends a boy and a girl." We said I unison surprisingly.

"Oh and my quirk evolved." I added.

"Really show me."

I then flashed my MS and RS.

I then flashed my MS and RS

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"When we told the class about dad

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"When we told the class about dad... One girl mocked us and that awakened both of my eyes to evolve. I now have three more quirks. Kamui. Basically warping. Substitution. And X-ray vision."

"Wow. I had a such a strong son. Katsuki, it's a good thing you claimed him." Nudged mother.

"Actually hes the one that ask me."

"Yeah. To the outside world she's dominant. But in private we both know that ain't so. Oh did you know that she purs." I added with a smirk.

"You promised not to tell." Shouted Katsuki.

"I can explain thr purring. My mother's quirk was Neko. Basically a human cat."

"Hnn. Explains it."

"Did you guys come up with hero names yet." Queried mother.

"Yeah. I'm Ground Zero." Katsuki said proudly.

"And I'm Tobi Uchiha. Either is good." I said. I couldn't choose so I used both.

"Why Uchicha." Asked mother.

"Before quirks there was chakra. The Uchicha had these eyes before me. Meaning I'm from that lineage. I will honor my family name. And it means paper fan. Like my main quirk." I said thoughtfully.

"Oh. That reminds me. Your father owned a great business as you know but people wanted to get into it through Katsuki. So we signed a contract that needs your permission. To keep Katsuki and the business safe."

"What contract." Asked Katsuki.


"Huh?" I said.

"I wish for you to marry Katsuki."

Obito.exe has crashed. Katsuki.exe has crashed. Please use Tool.exe to restart your program.

Mitsuki then took up a battle of water And sprayed it on us.

"Oh mother. I had the weirdest dream that you wanted me to marry Katsuki." I said.

"Me too." Said the living explosion.

"It wasn't a dream."

"Oh. Well then I'm in if Katsuki is in." I said. I was trying to hide my nervousness but it could be heard in my shaky voice.

"I'm in if Tobi's in." She retorted.

"Well I take that as a yes. I have the online form right here. Use the stylus to sign." Instructed mother. We followed her order.

"Now to make it official we need rings. When Masura died only one thing survived and that was his blood Ring. Rings that are bonded to the wearer. If that person dies or does not will it the ring will now come off." She said pulling of her own ring.

"I want you two to have them." She said sweetly.

"Really? Thank you mom." Said Katsuki jumping up and down hyperactivly as she put on the ring.

"Are you that eager to be my wife?" I joked.

"Hey... I can still get a divorce y'know." She threatened.

"It's been like 40 seconds."

"Still can."

"Wanna bet." I growled.

"Oh your angry."

"I'm not."

"Ahahaha." Mother was laughing hysterically.

"It's been a minute and your already fighting like a real married couple. Hey it getting close to curfew. You should head back home."

"Okay. Plus I wanna test my Kamui." I grabbed Katsuki and activated my right eye while closing my left one. I focused on wanted to go and instantly I was there in the middle of the common area.

"Holy crap. Midoriya how did you do that." Shouted Sero.

"I awakened my full potential. I now have 5 quirks." I said.

"That's a lie. It's rare to have 2 quirks let alone 5." Shouted Iida.

I then warped behind him then substituted with Katsuki. Then I looked through Hagakure with my RS.

"Hagakure. I can see your skeletal structure. Your right here." I then tapped her shoulder.

"That's should be enough proof of my powers. Good night my good sir." I then walked away with my wife in hand

Words 888

Posted 13/7/2020

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