So Far So Good

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It's been a few weeks. U.A. decided to turn into a boarding school. Tsuki and I moved in and so far it's going well. I'm currently on the couch. Well I'm on her lap watching YouTube while she watches TV.

"Hey Midoriya... we're all wondering. Are you two are a couple or something." Asked Todoroki bluntly.

"None of your business." I said.

"So you aren't."

"He never said that." Said Katsuki.

"So you are."

"Like we said. None of you business." We said in unison. I then think of our relationship. So far it's more platonic but I know we have feelings for eachother. Romantic feelings but we are Afraid. Afraid to express them.

"Hey Tobi can we switch. My head is pounding." She whined.

I then go up and he's scooted over. She laid her head on my lap when I sat down. I began stroking her hair.

"Feel better."



We stayed like that for a while.

Later in the day I was having a teenage crisis. I wanted to confess my feelings to Katsuki but I'm nervous. I then text Katsuki.

Lord Tobi- Hey, can you come over for a sec.

Explodi Queen- Sure. Be right there.

In a flash she was at my door. I called her to the bed.

"Katsuki. Um I.... Ever since that day in the park i knew that you would be a great force in my life. Your family took me in when I was orphaned. You had my back. I love you." I closed my eyes expecting a punch or explosion. Instead I got a kiss. Her warm lips pressed against mine. They tasted like fine wine.

"Tobi*giggle* why didn't you say so earlier. I guess we're a couple now." She commented.

"Yeah. But let's keep it secret for now. I wanna mess with these weaklings." I chuckled.

"Okay... Tobi. Bye!" She said as she walked out the door.

I plopped down on my bed. I'm lucky bastard.

Time Skip
Hero Class

I was talking with Katsuki waiting to see the spars. We already did ours. It was then that Uraraka walked up. Oh no.

"Hey Midoriya can I talk to you for a sec. In private." She whispered. I looked to my lover for confirmation. She nodded.

"Sure." We walked behind a fake building.

"Midoriya I umm I really really like you. Will you be my boyfriend." Oh this was rich. I just get a girl and another drops at my feet.

"No." I couldn't bother to explain.

I walked away leaving her crying.

Im back where I was with Katsuki.

"What did Found Face want."

"Do be my girlfriend."

Katsuki then grabbed me by the collar.

"You are mine got it. Not anyone else's. Mine" she hissed. I then grabbed her wrist forcefully and harshly.

"Don't you think I know that." I growled.

"I'm sorry. Still I like it when your agressive." She mused

"So now I'm the dominant one." I said increasing the pressure making her moan in pain and slight pleasure.q I smirked.

I then whisper into her ears, "I'm going to claim you tonight. And no one will stop me." I then felt her shudder at my voice.
Thankfully no one was looking at us. I let her go. Thankfully I don't leave a bruise.

"Why can't you be so rough more often."she whined.

"Careful what you ask for. Just for that your not going to be walking properly tommorow." I threatened.

She looked at me with lust. When it's normal stuff I'm usual a Masochist whil she's the sadist. When it's sexual pleasure the roles are reversed.

We walked back to the group to see Uraraka crying and talking to everyone including all might. Everyone looked angrily at me.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA. IS IT TRUE YOU HAVE BEEN ABUSIVE TO YOUNG URARAKA." Asked all might. Well this just hit the fan.

"No." I deadpanned.

"Stop lying. You were dating her and you began abusing her." Said Tsuyu.

"Proof." I said boredly. They then showed an old bruise.

"Not enough. Plus I was never dating Uraraka. I have a girlfriend and it's not Uraraka. She's lying y'know." I stated.

"I can vouch for him." Said Bakugo.


"Easy. Tobi's my boyfriend." She stated.

"Lies he was my boyfriend until he wanted my body."

"Again prove it. Where the evidence. Those bruises could've been caused by hero training." I deadpanned again.

"You all know Uraraka and I were never close."

"He's got a point." Said Jiro.

"Yeah. I believe Midoriya." Said Shoto.

"Young Uraraka. You have not enough evidence to prove this. The two of you come with me.ill have a specialist look into it." Said AM.

I nodded and walked with him.

Teacher's Lounge

"This is Detective Naomasa. His quirk is lie detector." Said Nezu.

"Hello and Good Afternoon. Ms. Uraraka. Is it true that Mr.Midoriya and you were dating."

"Yes sir."

"That was a lie. Did Mr.Midoriya ever touch you in a wrong way or hit you."

"Many times."

"Also a lie. Mr.Midoriya. Did you ever date Ms.Uraraka."

"No sir. She confessed to me today and I rejected her. Plus I'm dating Katsuki Bakugo." I said.

"Truth. Did you ever hit Ms.Uraraka."

"Unless it was for hero training purposes. No."

"Truth. Mr. Midoriya you are telling the complete truth. Ms. Uraraka you're lying."


"Your only acting like this because your jealous."

"Ms. Uraraka. Sorry to say but you are expelled from U.A. for falsely accusing of Rape and Abuse. You leave immediately." Said Nezu. I was kinda shocked. I wasn't expecting that.

"Mr.Midoriya you may go back to class." I bowed and left.


"Okay everyone. Due to Uraraka's actions she had been expelled from U.A.. Neito Monama will be replacing her."

To be honest I nrver really cared do I didn't listen.

Words 986

Posted 13/7/2020

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