Chapter 22: Happy Birthday

Start from the beginning

"And my present goes with his.", Steve said. He then pulled out a green marble deluxe rainbow switchblade. I completely lost it. "Holy shit !", I exclaimed as I grabbed the switchblade from Steve. "Don't be so tempted to kill anyone with it.", Two-Bit joked.

", Two-Bit joked

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"It's so nice. I wanna cry again.", I say as I close it and put it in my pocket. "Thank you so much Stephen.", I say softly as I kiss his cheek. Steve just blushed. "Alright I'm next.", Soda said. "Might wanna sit for this one.", Pony said. I went and sat on the couch next to Johnny.

"Your car is finished !", Soda exclaimed as he showed me some car keys and shook them in my face. I snatched the keys from him and then ran outside to see it. There, I saw Dallas standing next to my car. There was a bow at the top of it. "Ugh, she's a beaut.", I say as I rub my car gently.

"Thanks Soda.", I say as I smile at him. "Always welcome.", Soda said. "My turn.", Dallas said. "I don't usually do these things because commitment is not my thing man but, if I had to commit to anyone, I'd want it to be with you."

Dallas then pulled out a small black box and got on one knee. "Dallas...", I say as tears began to fall down my eyes. "I'm not asking you to marry me. Hopefully that comes later, but I am asking you to be my girl.", Dallas said. "I don't care what anyone says. I care about you. You bring out the best in me. You keep me out of trouble. You made me sing. I don't even like singing but when I'm with you man, I could sing to the top of my lungs."

I chuckled and wiped some tears. "Tim's gonna probably wanna kill me when he finds out but I don't care. I love you Trudy Shepherd.", Dallas said. He opened the box and there was a beautiful ring. "You said you loved me.", I say to him, hoping he knew what he was doing.

"Because I meant it. And you said you wouldn't believe it until you saw it and here I am proving it to you.", Dallas said. "I love you, Trudy.", Dallas said softly. "Is that a promise ring ?", I ask him. "Yeah.", Dallas said. "And I didn't steal it. I bought it. For you."

"What are you promising here ?", I ask him. "I'm promising to never hurt you again, and to always love you because you see the good in me man. You always have since we met. I realized that.", he said. "If you promise that then, I'll promise the same.", I say as I sniffle.

Dallas then placed the ring on my finger. "I love you man.", he said as he stood up and hugged me tightly. "Woo !", Two-Bit hollered before clapping. The rest of the guys then joined in. "Didn't think you had it in ya Dal.", Soda said as they all crowded around us.

"I always did. It just took me a minute to realize it.", Dallas said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "So DiDi, what are your plans for the rest of this great day of yours ?", Two asked me. "I should go see my dad and Tim and them. Then me and my girls are gonna get dressed here and then we'll go out.", I say.

"I'm coming with you.", Dallas told me. I nodded my head. "Be careful. We love you.", Steve said as he came to hug me tightly. He kissed my forehead and me and Dallas left.

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