Chapter 23: Rumble

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"He needs to go to the hospital.", Daryl said. "We'll take him.", Soda said as he motioned to him and Steve. The loud commotion had woken everyone in the house. Darry called Steve and Two and they came right over. We checked Mike's wounds and he had been cut everywhere and even stabbed.

I tried to protect him. "You guys take him and we'll clean up the mess.", Darry said as Steve and Soda then carried Mike out of the house crying and whimpering. He looked so bad. It ticked me off. I was furious.

I quickly went to me and Soda's room and put on some comfortable shorts. I got my brand new switchblade and put it in my bra. I walk out and headed towards the door. "I'll be back.", I say. "No, where are you going ?", Dallas asked me as he grabbed me. "To talk to Jonathan.", I say quickly. "We're going with you.", Cornelia said as her and Mina got up.

"You girls are crazy.", Pony said. "I'm about to go crazy on Jonathan when I see him, so Dallas, let me go.", I say. "You sure you know what you're doing ?", he asked me. "Damn skippy !", I say. "Alright, we'll be back.", Dallas said as he looked back at Darry and Pony.

"Don't get into trouble.", Darryl scolded. "We'll try.", I say as me and Dallas and the girls get back in the car and leave. Two-Bit also came along. We drive around until we see a bunch of Socs standing around a closed corner store. "There he is.", I say. We parked a few feet away from them and I quickly got out.

"Let me do the talking.", I say to everyone as we walked. "You got it, Doll.", Dallas said. We walked up to a crowd of Socs, I'd say about eight of them. They were talking and laughing. And I seen Jonathan. He was the center of attention. "Hey Jonathan !", I yell as I got his attention.

"Hey ! It's the girl that punched me in the face that one time !", he said as he smiled and all his friends laughed. I saw Donna and I couldn't wait to get at her soon. "You could've killed him !", I yelled at him. "Who ?", he asked me. "You know who, asshole !", I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh ! You mean the little punk greaser who tried to get at my girl.", he said. "Yeah, I told you babe.", Donna then said as she clung to his arms. "He didn't try to get at your dumb bitch of a girlfriend ! She came at him ! I caught them making out in a janitors closet !", I yell.

"She's lying baby. That never happened.", Donna then said quickly. "We were literally right there.", Mina said. "Yeah, we saw everything.", Cornelia added. "Why do you even care ?! He's not your boyfriend anymore.", Donna quickly said with a smirk.

"You're right. He's not my boyfriend.", I say as I nodded. "But at the end of the fucking day, he's still a greaser, and if you mess with one of us, you're messing with all of us !", I snapped. "You think we care that you came up here with you and your little buddies ?", Jonathan then said as he walked closer to me.

Dallas then was about to join in but I held my hand up, giving him a signal that I had it. "You know, you're pretty when you're angry.", Jonathan said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I quickly grabbed him tightly on the shoulders and kneed him in the nuts. He groaned and fell to the ground.

"And you're a big wimp when it comes to me. Your friends all just watched you get hurt by a girl, for the second time.", I say as I smirk. "That's it ! I'm calling a rumble !", Jonathan groaned from the ground. He then got the strength to get back up. "You and your best greasers verses me and my best men !"

"Oh this is gonna be fun.", Dallas then chuckled. "What's so funny, huh pal ?", Jonathan asked him. "You said you and your best men.", Two-Bit answered. "You and your men look like a bunch of choir boys."

We all then started to laughing, pissing Jonathan off even more. "You're not gonna let them get away with this, are you ?", Donna asked Jonathan. Jonathan was angry but didn't know what to say. "Bring your best choir boys to the lot tomorrow at midnight.", I say as we start to leave.

Tuff Love ~ A Dallas Winston Fanfic Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα