Chapter 12

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TRIGGER WARNING: Panic attack (will say when it is over)

After reading that note, Line quickly escaped to the start of the woods. Her head felt like it was exploding with everything that had happened lately.

Line could feel her breathing become uneven, her heart was pounding against her chest like it was going to pop out, every alarm that could go off, had gone off. She could feel everything becoming too much for her. She closed her eyes, as she could feel tears racing down her cheeks.

"Line?" Oh crap, Arthur. He laid a hand on her and turned her towards him. Of course, he didn't know that it all just got even more out of control. Normally, she craved people holding her, but right now her body simply couldn't do it.

"Line?" She could hear the worry in his voice. "Are you okay?"

She wanted to tell him to get Gry. To tell him that it wasn't dangerous but just her mind playing evil tricks on her. But no sound would come out. Only sobs and breaths that was not how they should be.

"What is happening?" Arthur asked once more perplexed that he couldn't get an answer. He wanted to run for help but he couldn't leave her like this. That was when he saw her hitting herself. Everywhere. Everywhere, she could get to.

"Line, stop it." He grabbed her hands to have some sort of control of the situation. He didn't want to see her hurt herself.

She just wanted it to stop so badly. She wanted to dig her nails into her palms but she couldn't cause of Arthur's hands.

"Get..." She couldn't croak out Grys name.

"Get help?" Arthur asked for the only clue, he had gotten. She nodded. "I can't leave you like this." Then he realized something. He scooped her into his arms like he had done when he first met her. He started running to Ealdor, when he saw someone, he recognized. "Merlin!"

The servant turned his head at the sound of his name, when he saw Arthur come running with Line in his arms. She looked like she was dying.

"What happened?" Merlin asked confused as he started looking her over for any wounds or anything that could explain this.

"I've got no idea." Arthur explained being very worried about Line. He had never seen anything like this before. What if her body was shutting down? What if she had been poisoned by Kanen? What if she was dying?

"We have to get her inside." As soon as those words left his servants mouth, Arthur picked up Line once again, and the two men started running towards Huniths house.

They got her inside and tried laying her on the bed, but she wouldn't let go of Arthur's tunic. She was clinging on for dear life and covering her eyes with it. The only way to make her stay was for Arthur to sit on the bed too.

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Arthur desperately asked his servant.

"Never." Merlin slightly panicked. Line and Gry were already good friends of his, and he didn't want to lose one of them already. "Line, can you hear me?" He got a nod.

"Can you talk?" He asked earning a shake on the head.

"Do you know what this is?" A nod.

"Line, is it dangerous?" She hesitated as her breathing became even more labored. "Line?" Merlin tried again getting no answer.

Not real (Merlin) (Arthur Pendragon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now