
I couldn't understand what Kara did when she used her heat vision on Lex. The understanding that I wasn't living through this had already settled this calm over me, my only hope was that Kara got to the kryptonite suit in my lab in time.

By the time I realised what she had done she was being herded away by Alex to a van and someone at my back stopped me from following, already messing with the bomb strapped to my back.

"Please don't move Miss Luthor, we are about to disarm the bomb." I stopped myself from trying to follow, forcing myself to stand still as the agent at my back took forever to disarm the bomb and get it off me. The van carrying Kara sped away, my gaze never leaving it until it disappeared from sight at a speed faster than I knew was good.

"Okay, you can move. If you would go with the agent to your right they will take you for a debrief per Director Danvers' orders." He nodded to the agent next to me who spared me a glance before starting off towards a second van off to the side. People followed my movements with eyes and cameras, every numb motion caught for all to see and analyse.

Getting in the van, the journey to the DEO was quick, the side door sliding open scaring me. "Miss Luthor if you'd follow me." It wasn't a question, the agent just expected me to follow as he climbed out, my phone ringing stopping me.

I got out but slipped my phone from my pocket to see Cat Grant's name on the caller ID. Of course she's calling. Weighing up the repercussions of not answering I accepted the call, my head already weary of this conversation.

"Cat?" Her name a sigh as I pinched my nose with my free hand.

"Lena, are you okay? How is she?" Cat spoke so quickly and an octave or two higher than normal, her worry bringing a small smile to my face. If I had been asked a week ago if Cat Grant cared for either Kara or myself, I would have said no.

I heard shuffling in the background and music, she was at the reception. Clearing my throat, I tried to sound as though I was perfectly normal. "I'm fine, just another assassination attempt. As for Kara... I don't know. Her sister took her from the harbour and I haven't seen her yet."

"Okay, I'll let you go then. I'm glad you're okay." She was about to hang up when I heard Harley in the background.

"Go get your girl Luthor!" It made me laugh the line going dead as Ivy and Cat told her to lower her voice. That's not going to end well. Harley yelling Kara's secret identity into that wedding reception would be a disaster, one I hoped the other two could keep from happening.

Putting the phone back in my pocket, I looked around to find the agent waiting patiently for me by a door they opened with  their fingerprint when I started walking over. My heels echoed on the concrete floor of the parking garage, the silence a stark contrast to the noise of the DEO through the door.

The agent didn't speak as he let the door fall closed behind him, leading me through the DEO, passed the interrogation (or debriefing) rooms depending on your perspective to the main floor. I looked back at the rooms, thinking I had the layout wrong when the agent stopped in front of a room, the glass tinted solidly white.

"What is-" I started, the door opening cutting me off. Inside Alex was standing at a computer as Kara lay on a bed, heart monitor beeping steadily and sun lamps shining on her.

"You have one second before that door closes indefinitely." Alex's sharp voice didn't sound happy about the idea of letting me in the room, but I rushed through, making my way to Kara instantly.

She was pale, her eyes closed but I knew she was awake. "Kara! Are you okay?" Ocean blue shone bright as she blinked her eyes open, my lips turning up a smile automatically.

Kara wet her lips. "Of course. I'm the Girl of Steel." Her voice was weak, a shadow of its normal giddy sunshine, everything about her in that suit looked weak laying in that bed.

"You're cells are depleted, you are as human as us - more so actually given your state when you used your powers." Alex moved to stand at her sister's side, her eyebrows downturned, the set of her jaw disapproving of everything she did today.

My mouth fell open at hearing the state Kara had let herself get into saving me. I couldn't lose her. "Kara you need to be more careful... I can't lose you."

Her eyes met mine again, shining as she smiled at me. "That's sweet but you know my job is literally putting myself in danger?"

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. "I know that, but it doesn't mean you have to be reckless with your life." Opening them to see Kara's smile fall, I let my hand find hers. "I was worried about you."

Neither of us spoke for several long moments, the only sounds in the room Kara's heart monitor and Alex typing on the computer. I didn't know what else to say or how to say it.

"I think we missed the wedding." Kara sheepishly looked up at me.

I burst out in a fit of giggles for a moment, smiling as I stopped. "Yeah, although I think they'll understand given Lex crashed it and aimed a missile at the resort to make me leave with him. In fact, I think Beth was secretly happy to see me leave." I smiled, trying to make light of the situation, but Kara frowned at me.

"You went to the wedding?"

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