House of Reveals/House Split-Ups

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Nina and Eddie were at Mr. Sweet's house, because he wanted them over for dinner.

"So, what's the catch?" Eddie asked, putting down his fork. "What catch?" He responded.

"Well, this isn't just a meal, it's an occasion. Dad, I know you. What's up?" Eddie questioned.

"Nothing, can't I spend time with my kids?" Mr. Sweet asked, pasta in his mouth.

"You never knew Nina even existed as your daughter until now." Eddie replied. "Eddie.." Nina shook her head.

Mr. Sweet left the room. "Excuse me."

Nina smacked Eddie's chest. "What?" Eddie shrugged. "What was that for?" She asked. "Why dinner? We have lunch, not dinner. Something's up."

"You're just suspicious of everyone, aren't you?" Nina asked. "After everything we've been through, can you blame me? Where'd you hide the pieces?" He asked.

"In my car." Nina answered.

"You think that's the safest place to hide them?" Eddie raised his eyebrows.

"Why would anyone think to look in my car?" Nina asked. "Okay, whatever. We're going to the abandoned church. The one Zayday told us about?"

"Her name is Rosie. Not Zayday." Nina sighed. "Sorry, Nina."

"Hello." Mr. Sweet greeted as he came back out. He saw them getting their things together. "Where are you going?" He wondered.

"Dinner was lovely, but we have a curfew."

"I understand. Um, goodnight!"


"Jerome are you sure you know where you're going?" Nina asked. They were driving in Eddie's old car since Sibuna couldn't all fit in Nina's car or Eddie's.

"I'm only driving because Eddie didn't want to." Jerome shrugged. "And yes, Nina, I do know where I'm going. There's this thing called Google-"

"-yeah, yeah."

"Why didn't Eddie want to?" Mara wondered.

"He found his birth certificate at Sweetie's house." Fabian explained.

"Can I see it, Eddie?" Amber asked. Still staring out the window, Eddie handed it to her.

Name: Edison Christopher Miller

Birthday: December 31st, 1995

Parents: Alice Green and Angus Jackson

"Nina may be the daughter of Eric Sweet and Isabel Miller, but I am not the son. Nina and I aren't related, and I have been raised by frauds." Eddie scoffed. "I don't believe this."

Nina scooted over to him, and held his hand. Eddie looked at her. "No matter what happens, you will always be like a brother to me." Nina kissed his cheek, and they hugged.

"Jerome slow down!" Joy grabbed the wheel as everyone looked up front to see that Jerome almost hit a man in a freaky mask and an Egyptian get-up.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. That story was true!" Patricia gasped.

The man jumped on the van, and they scream. "Agghhh!"

The man smashed the windows open, ducked into the van and screamed, "I am Kek! And I came with one purpose. Give me the Kek disk pieces!"

Sibuna screamed again. 'Kek' grabbed Nina by her shirt and Jerome, Fabian, and Eddie grabbed her legs. "Ahhh!" She screamed.

"Hang on, Nina!" Fabian assured.

HOA: Season 4Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz