House of Gossip/House of Cat-Fights

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"God, Alfie, you're obsessed!" Mara shook her head.

"Mara, when something unexpected happens soon, do not blame me. Blame Friday the 13th." Alfie replied.

All of their phones vibrated. "It's the curse of the 13th!" Alfie shrieked.

"Alfie, it's an alert on all of our phones." Nina explained. They took their phones out.

A website named Apophis: All About the Anubians!, showed up.

Wanna know about Anubis? Weirdest house on campus. Read all about the Anubians!

Edison 'Eddie' Miller:

You wannabe bad boy. You proposed to Patricia. Don't get me wrong, I love Peddie! It's the ultimate power couple! But, I'm surprised she didn't say no! I mean, who would wanna be in-laws with the son's dad. Who is the headmaster of our precious school. Sorry! Didn't think it would work between you too.

Nina Miller...or Martin, I can't remember:

Where's the single ladies? Oh my, bad. Lady. Where is your hottie-bad-boy-boyfriend? Dump you? I'm not surprised. Fabian is perfect for you. Onto another subject, girl's got secrets. Everytime I walk by that whole house, they seem to be whispering about something. Have fun with that! I have ways of finding out. I hacked all your phones.

Patricia 'Yacker' Williamson:

You're one to talk! See my play on words there? All this talk and no walk, why didn't you say no to Eddie? It can't be because you love him, because you keep insulting each other! Oh, and if the wedding's called off, tell Eddie I'm sorry, but it wasn't meant to be. For you of course, not for me. Always works. Winky, wink.

Amber Millington:

You're a daddy's girl. A blonde bimbo. Seven out of ten kangaroos could be smarter than you. Your brain is the size of an acorn! And that's really small.

Alfie Lewis:

Aw, we've finally reached my favorite. The jokester, the sidekick, the many names I could come up with. You're handsome, but you're gullible. You can't see if you're being played. That's what makes you the weakest link.

Jerome Clarke:

You sneaky, manipulative, hair obsessed, money making, genius! You're a liar and a cheater, none the less. I've admired your work, but it would be better if you worked in a secret name, like me. Well, too bad. You dating Joy Mercer, the girl who totally dissed Nina on the Jackal. You guys are so meant to be.

Joy Mercer:

You're like another copy of Jerome! Except, you don't obsess about your hair and you don't make money. Besides that, you were gone for term, return, have a major crush on Fabian, and planned to get rid of Nina. Sick girl. I like that. You even pretended to be Nina, and kissed Fabian. Boy, Rutter aren't you a little slow? Be careful, Mercer, I wouldn't say Nina completely forgives you for what you did to her.

Fabian 'Stutter Rutter' Rutter:

Stutter Rutter. What to say about don't cause a lot of drama, except when you get yourself tangled into love triangles. You're really smart, but when it comes to love, that's one subject you'd never in a century pass. And I'd watch out, I think Nina still likes you. Oh, my bad. Loves you.

Nina sucked her teeth. "I do not." She said.

Mara Jaffray:

Seven words: The Boyfriend Kisser and the Girlfriend Cheater.

On the bottom shows a very old picture of Fabian and Nina kissing but made to look it was just posted.

Everyone was silent. Then, Mara became furious.

"How could you, Nina? You kissed my boyfriend! Your ex-boyfriend! I thought we were friends!" Mara yelled.

"Mara, that picture was taken when Fabian and I were still dating. It means nothing now." Nina responded calmly.

"How do I know that you are telling the truth?" Suddenly, Mara slapped Nina. Nina was hurt by the ring on Mara's finger, so she kicked Mara in her stomach.

The two girls went on, and that included the pulling of hair, punches in the jaw, kicks, and uppercuts.

Fabian and Eddie got Mara and Nina off of each other. They were pulled apart, and when Eddie let go of Nina, she took her phone out and got on her gallery.

Nina shoved the picture in Mara's face. "See? It wasn't taken today it was taken two years ago!" Nina exclaimed. Mara sighed, "I am so sorry Nina."

"It's okay. If our situations were reversed, I would probably react just as you did." Their phones vibrated.

Oooh! My first dramatic fight. Mara and Nina; never thought you had it in you! See you later my non beauties and beauties!

Love Me! Apophis.

Below, was a picture of Nina and Mara fighting.


Apophis has come, and a friendship was damaged because of Mara's jealousy and fear of losing another boyfriend! Didn't she have like, three?


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