House of Marriage, Pt. 2/House of Encouragement

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Joy followed Patricia out into the foyer. "Think about what you're doing!" Joy yelled at her.

"Heh, you sound like Eddie." Patricia chuckled. "Please, Patricia. Just because Nina basically crashed your wedding, but you can't let 'destiny' just give you a reason to give up on the love of your life."

Patricia stared at her, and walked out the door. Joy dropped the bouquet she was holding, and entered the common room. "Why does she believe this?" Joy asked.

"Better question--what happened to Nina?" Fabian counter-asked.

"When we were making Patricia's wedding breakfast, Nina told me that she hasn't been able to sleep in a couple of days. She's been having these weird dreams where she's in a college bar, she's playing pool, a creepy guy calls her bluff, a cute guy comes in and saves her, ends the same way every night."

"So, why is she passed out?" Chris asked. "Her latest dream ended differently. She killed the creepy guy in this dream."

"Nina would never lay a finger on anyone!" Amber shook her head. "She might not. But what about her astral self?" Mara responded.

"Okay, you guys deal with Nina, I'm going to go talk some sense into Patricia." Joy stated.

"How do you even know where to go?" Alfie asked. "I'm her best friend. Of course I know where to go." Joy responded.

Joy walked out of the house and into the clearing, but when she heard other voices she ducked down.

"How many pieces of the Disk do you have so far?" The hooded figure asked. "I have only two." Victor answered.

"Victor?" Joy whispered.

"Did you round up the others, yet?" The hooded figure wondered. "

"Yes, but Rosie is still refusing to come. She doesn't want to betray the Chosen One." Victor replied.

The hooded figure got in Victor's face.

"What did I tell you? I need all six of you to go through the door of Kek. I--We need to open him up. Time to reunite her with an old flame."

Joy texted Jerome.

To: Jerome
From: Joy

Enormous news about Victor.

Joy looked around, and exhaled.

She left the clearing to find Patricia. "Patricia?" Joy found Patricia laying on her back on the ground.

"The wedding dress is white. You'll get it dirty." Joy started off. "Does it look like I care about it being clean?" Patricia asked.

"But you have a wedding to go to." Joy said.

"There might not be a wedding if there is no Nina." Patricia replied. "You can't talk like that."

"Joy, please just go. I need to cool down." She begged.

"No," Joy shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere without you, until you realize you and Eddie are meant to be." Patricia stays put. "Patricia, your love is like fire and flame. One of the same kind. You need to realize that you and Eddie were always meant to be."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you found each other."

Patricia looked at Joy.


Nina and Axel were hanging out on a picnic blanket. "You know we can't run forever." Nina stated.

"I know." Axel replied.

Axel frowned. "You sure your friend was okay with me crashing her wedding? She looked pretty mad by the time we left."

"Oh please, Patricia will get over it soon." Nina's head started pounding. "Oh no." She said aloud.

"What?" She got up from the picnic blanket. Nina held onto a peach tree nearby, hoping it will make her stay. "No, I am free-" She's astral projected back to Anubis.


"You cannot do this!" Nina yelled. Eddie was in front of her. "How did you get me back here?"

"Oh, I'm not giving that one up." Eddie smirked. "I'm going back."

Eddie grabbed her arm, but Nina flipped him over. "I hate that you know how to do that." Eddie groaned. He got back up.

"You will not drag me back into the world o-of responsibility, and leadership, a-and seriousness. I will not be that girl again."

"Nina, what are you talking about?" Eddie asked. Nina sighed. She sat down next to her body. "Haven't you noticed that I have no life outside of Sibuna? Outside of Anubis House? I want to be free. I want to travel the world without having some stupid target on my back. I want to date without having to worry that a creepy evil seventh century priestess ghost is going to hurt him. I don't want this responsibility." Nina told him.

Eddie held her hand. "Nina, if you didn't want all of wouldn't have come back."

"Can I tell you something?" Eddie nodded. "She didn't come back for the mysteries. She didn't come back for everyone. She came back because of-"

Fabian walked in. "You got her back!" He smiled. "Please jump back inside of her."

Nina smiled. "See you soon." Nina glanced between the boys and stared at her body. Astral Nina disappeared, and the real Nina woke up.

"Oh, Patricia must really hate me." Nina slapped her hand on her forehead. "Hey, Patricia doesn't hate you." Fabian told her. He held her hand. She smiled.

Eddie widened his eyes, and realized what astral Nina was talking about. Nina looked at him.

"What are you sitting down for?" Patricia walked in.

"We have a wedding to finish."

Peddie and a little Fabina! Yay!


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