House of Rings/House of Break Ups

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Eddie took Nina back to his room as soon as they get back from the tunnels. "What is it Eddie?" Nina asked, as she sat down on his bed.

"What I'm about to ask you is very, very important." Eddie responded.

"What is it?" Nina inquired, standing up.

"Will you help me pick out an engagement ring for Patricia?" Eddie asked.

She smiled so wide that it might break off her face. "Yes! Oh my gosh, Yes!" She exclaimed, as she gave her brother a hug. "Wait, but don't you think this is too soon? We are still in college." Nina asked.

"I love her, Nina. I never want to let go of her." Eddie explained.


"Okay, okay." Eddie stopped her. Nina hugged him. "I'm so happy for you!"


"Well I'm off to see Chris. He says he's got a new horror movie to watch!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Yay!" Eddie cheered for her like a little girl.

Nina pushed him playfully, and laughed.


The next morning Nina and Eddie sneaked out to find the perfect ring for Patricia. It was a Saturday, so they didn't have to go to classes.


When Patricia woke up and went downstairs, she saw that Eddie and Nina weren't at the breakfast table.

"Where's Nina?"

"Where's Eddie?"

Chris and her asked at the same time. The rest shrugged. "We think they're at breakfast with Sweetie." Alfie told them.

Chris groans as his phone beeps. "What is it?" Jerome asked. "My ex-girlfriend Diana is in town. She wants to get back together. And I thought I changed my number!" Chris groaned.

"What's so bad about her?" Mara asked.

"She's insane! I liked her at first, but then, she started stalking me, so, moved here, hoping she'll never find me." He explained.

"Chris! Are you here?" A voice called out. "Oh, no. Hide me please?" Chris pleaded.

"There you are!" Diana smiled. The group frowned as she ran over to him for a kiss. Somebody gasped. They turn to see that Nina was there. "Nina, it's not what it looks like." Chris tries to explain as he pushes Diana off him.

"You're in deep doo-doo now." Alfie widened his eyes.

"How did-why did you-you just-you kissed?!" Nina stuttered. They had just finished getting Patricia her ring, and it was beautiful. He had it engraved saying, You're my Yacker. <3, Eddie. Then they came home and saw Chris kissing another girl.

"Who are you?" The girl and Nina ask each other. "Diana, Chris's girlfriend." She explained. Nina gasped.

"Ex-girlfriend." He corrected. "Well add me to your list." She scoffed. "Nina-"

"We're through." Nina cut him off. "Nina wait, it wasn't what it looked like-" Amber tried to help. She almost ran out when Diana scoffed, "About time."

Eddie ran over to Chris. "What do you think you're-" When Eddie grabbed his collar, he got a vision.

He saw Chris, and he was smirking. Then, he turned into something. Something that looked evil.

"Malachi..." A voice whispered.

Eddie looked at him. "What?" Chris asked.

"What did you just say?" Nina asked, turning around. "You heard me." Nina turned around to Eddie and looked him in the eye, as if he knew what she was thinking.

Eddie knew what she was thinking, and he shook his head no at her. Nina looked back at her, and went after her anyway.

She lifted her hand, and threw Diana across the room. Nina flashed, so it looked like she's evil, then good again. "What's happening?" Joy asked.

"Nina's using her powers for evil. Go, get out!" Eddie ordered, rushing Nina out. Nina ran out the house.

When Diana knew she was gone, she laughed maniacally. Everyone was watching her, confused. "What's happening right now?" Alfie whispered to Amber, but she shrugged. As she was laughing, a reddish-purple smoke appeared around her and she shapeshifted into the Phoenix.

Everyone had wide eyes.

The Phoenix stopped laughing, "She's mine now."

He disappeared.


Chrina broke up!


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