House of Revelations/House of Comebacks

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The Anubis gang entered the tunnels, with the key in Nina's hand. They took the shortcut.

When they entered the mask chamber, Nina ordered, "Stand back."

The Bracelet is where the Mask of Anubis used to be. Nina places the spare key in the keyhole and it opened. "That was easy." Mara chuckled.

"You've never taken her down here before, have you?" Nina asked. "We may or may not have had the time to." Fabian shrugged.

"Now, how do we destroy it?" Joy asked.

"We don't." Nina smirked. "Nina, what are you talking about?" Fabian asks. Nina grabbed the Bracelet. "What are you doing, Nina? Destroy it." Chris commanded.

"Oh, I don't think so." Nina stated, smiling wickedly. "Nina, you're scaring even me." Jerome gulped.

"Good. You need to be scared for what comes next."

Nina took a few steps back and started levitating and transformed into her evil self. Nina breathed comfortably, as if this was always how she was meant to be.

"What's going on?" Patricia asked.

"What's going on is that the Phoenix didn't 'let me go'! How gullible can you guys be? He really did turn me evil. And now," Nina began, holding a fireball in her hand. She tossed it towards the ceiling. "We'll be the ultimate power couple."

The Phoenix's pet appeared.

Nina gave the Bracelet away. "Now go and take this Bracelet to the Phoenix!" Nina commanded, laughing maniacally.

"How do we turn her back?" Fabian asked, as they began to hover up. "It's just a hunch but, I think I have an idea..." Eddie turned around.

Eddie took his hand out. "Come on, come on...please...she needs me." Eddie whispered.

"What is he doing?" Chris wondered. "Saving her." Patricia answered.

Eddie saw a white glow in his hand for one second. He gasped. "Come on, please..."

Then, a white orb appeared in his hand. Eddie grinned and threw it at Nina.

"Your powers!" Patricia exclaimed. Nina groaned. Her clothes changed and she was beginning to become good again.

Nina fell to the ground, and Chris was there to catch her. She came to, and they can tell she's not evil anymore because her eyes are back to their normal color. "What happened?" She asked.

"Something really weird." Alfie nervously laughed. "I'm glad you're back!" Chris gave her multiple kisses.

"Hey, she's still my sister, get off her. Oh, and Nina, can I talk to you later?" Eddie asked.



"Aghhh! They turned her back! I'll have to deal with that later." The Phoenix grunted.

His pet delivered him the Bracelet of Amneris, but he stills needed Nina to gain more power.

He had to come up with something to trick her to come back.

Ooooo! Spooky! Good News! They got real Nina back!


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