Chapter 4 - The Roof

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     Looking at the beautiful view of the capitol from the roof instantly calms my raging nerves

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     Looking at the beautiful view of the capitol from the roof instantly calms my raging nerves. I have been non-stop overthinking about what happened in the training room. Cato and Marvel made me look weak in front of the game makers. Like I was some piece of meat to be fought over. As a reflex thinking of Cato makes my fists ball up and a scowl to form on my lips. I bang both my fists on the railing and to my surprise about two dozen vibrant purple butterflies flutter towards me. I forgot about all my problems as I reach my arms out and the butterflies swarm me.

     My moment of pure bliss is cut far too short when someone clears there throat behind me

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My moment of pure bliss is cut far too short when someone clears there throat behind me. I cross my fingers and hope that it is not who I think it is. Turning around I instantly regret my decision as bright blue eyes stare right back at my green orbs. "What are you doing up here Cato?" I hear fast footsteps and suddenly Cato is standing beside me. "Are you seriously mad at me for sticking up for you Princess?" He aks in a mocking tone. I grit my teeth and make eye conatct with him starting my rant. "You didn't stand up for me Cato, you made me look weak in front of the game makers. Like I'm some kind of object for you and Marvel to lust over. But I am not an object and I am not yours!" I have never seen Cato as angry as he is now. He is shaking with rage and has a menacing glint in his eyes. "You're wrong princess, you are mine. My first kill in that arena." His statement, or rather his promise causes a chill to run down my spine. I put on my bravest face to make it appear as though his threat had no effect on me and lean closer to him on my tiptoes. Placing my lips on the part of his neck close to his ear I whisper, "No princess YOU will be MY first kill in the arena." Not waiting to see his reaction I spin on my heel and speed walk into the elevator desperately wanting to escape him.

     After grabbing the sharpest knives from the cultiry cabinet of my temporary home I make a beeline for the door needing to blow off some steam

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     After grabbing the sharpest knives from the cultiry cabinet of my temporary home I make a beeline for the door needing to blow off some steam. Only for a very grumpy and tired looking blonde man to be blocking it. "Get out of my way Haymitch." I warn in a deadly voice. I'm assuming he sees the dried tear stains on my cheeks because his angry eyes soften. "What happened Sweethart?" "Cato Hadley." Those two words were all I had to mutter for him to nod and pull me into a tight hug. I drop the knives I had an iron grip on immediately starting to sob into my mentors shoulders. He wipes some hair out of my face and sighs, "You should probably get to bed Sweetheart it's late." I nod and sniffle before letting go of him. "Sorry for ruining your lame robe with my tears." He chuckles and pushes me in the direction of my room.

     Rolling over in my bed I debate just barricading my door and never leaving this room ever again. I immediately wipe the thought away because that would mean he would win. By he I'm referring to the one and only Cato Hadley. By far my greatest competitor, as no one else is even close to as deadly as I am. Sighing and looking down towards my neck I clench the necklace hanging and remind myself do it for Kelly. That though forces me out of bed and to the breakfast table in a chair beside Peeta. "Hey, where'd you run off to last night Violet?" Peeta's innocent question makes my bones stiffen as I recall the events of last night. "Oh I was just looking at the cool view from the roof." I say choosing to leave out the part about Cato , not wanting to worry Peeta. "Oh nice you should take me up there sometime." I nod, "Definitely!" About five minutes later we clean up and tell Effie we are leaving for the second day of training now.

      My nerves start to kick in as we reach the basement where training is held. Be brave. Be strong. Be fearless. With a deep breath I swing the door open and walk in with my head held high. Peeta heads straight towards the net obstacle that I climbed yesterday. I follow him towards the station and watch as the careers stop what they are doing to stare at Peeta. I wince as Peeta hits the floor with a loud thud. But my flinch soon turns into a glare and scowl as the careers are laughing obnoxiously at Peeta. "Throw that heavy thing." Peeta looks at me as though I'm crazy. "Violet, no way remember what Haymitch said!" "I don't care what Haymitch  said. Cato, Clove, Marvel, and Glimmer are looking at you like you're a four course meal. Now throw the damn thing!" He sighs and stands himself up. The careers examine Peeta's every move as he lifts the large ball above his head and catapults it into a shelve of spears. The impact sends the spears flying and even breaks some of them.
I turn towards the careers with a proud smirk on my face. Cato meets my gaze like always and looks at me like I just socked his grandma in the face. "Got a problem Princess?" I mock his words from yesterday. He releases an inhuman growl and starts stalking towards me before being held back by his minions. I scoff at all of the careers and walk away.

     "Lunch time!" I smile at the instructors words having barley eaten any breakfast this morning. "We should try to make allies during lunch today." Peeta suggests and I nod thinking that's a great idea. All of the tributes follow the instructor to the cafeteria and then disperse to separate tables with there allies. Peeta and I find a table in a corner where we can clearly see everyone. I scan my eyes across the cafeteria until they land on Thresh. "Thresh. We need him, he's strong." Peeta whips his head around, "Are you sure Violet? He doesn't seem too keen on the idea of alliances." "Let me talk to him."

     I ignore the eyes on me as I stand from my seat and make my way towards the table Thresh is sitting at. "Hello!" I flash him my brightest smile as I sit across from him. He looks up from his lunch with a bored look on his face, "What do you want?" His bluntness catches me off guard. "Feisty I love it." I wait a moment before continuing, "I would like for you to be in an alliance with me and Peeta." Just now noticing how close we are to the careers I lean closer to him and whisper. "The three of us together could wipe out the careers, no problems." He looks at me sheepishly. "How do I know you two won't stab me in the back when I'm not looking?" I raise my pinky finger in the air. "Because I, Violet Aceman swear that neither I nor Peeta will stab you in the back." He smiles faintly and raises his pinky intertwining our fingers. I smile triumphantly and am about to ask Thresh to sit with Peeta and I to talk strategy when I notice thresh's gaze is on something over my shoulder. Turning my head to see what has Thesh's attention, Cato is standing behind me. "I need to talk to you." Cato states before pulling me up  quite roughly by my bicep and dragging me out of the cafeteria.

     Word Count - 1314 words

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Word Count - 1314 words

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