"I didn't know Nicole could dance." Bryan said as Brie looked and him and shrugged.
"I didn't even know she hung out with that group." She said as she scowled.
"What's wrong with them?" Bryan asked.
"Nicole McMahon-Lesnar?!" Brie whisper yelled.
"What about her? She was always nice to me." He said softly.
"She screams problems. Then you've got Dean Ambrose. I get that he's her brother apparently but honestly I don't trust him or the Shield. Of course Dean is dating Sasha Banks. And now Seth is dating my sister?! And Nicole Lesnar is married to Brock Lesnar of all people!" Brie whined. "He could break apart anybody in the company without blinking! And Nicole's childhood friends are Charlotte Flair and Tessa Blanchard! They're some of the most decorated female athletes there are today. I don't trust her or her friends."
"I get that you don't trust them Brie, but you've got to admit it's a pretty elite group. I would want to be friends with them. Seriously Brianna nobody walks up to them during catering when they're all together at their table. Nobody looks at them wrong. It must be crazy to hold so much power." Bryan shrugged.
"Bryan you've never wanted to have power." Brie said as she rolled her eyes.
"I know but the dynamic they live with is interesting to me."
"Whatever. Let's just watch Nicole." Brie scoffed.
"She looks happy." Bryan commented.
"Yeah I guess she does."
"Alright!" Tessa said. "Judges what did you think?"
"Mike?" She asked.
"I thought it was a wonderful performance of the samba. Your foot work was amazing and the chemistry you guys had was captivating."
"Y'all had some type of sexy time before this happened I know you did because that shit was hot!" She exclaimed as Nikki and Seth laughed.
"I'm going to be honest with you I wasn't sure about the purple theme at first but it worked for you both. The outfits were good. Footwork was good. Chemistry was off the charts. Overall I'd give you a 32 out of 40." He said as Seth and Nikki smiled brightly.
"I didn't make a fool out of myself!" Seth screamed as he walked back over to us.
"You guys were impressive. Nikki Bella you were great. It's clear you put in the effort. I respect that." I said with a wink as she beamed with pride.
"Thank you Nicole." She said genuinely.
"Next up we have Roman and Galina! This team will be dancing the Cha Cha!"
"Have fun!" Brock said with a chuckle.
"I won't." Roman groaned as he walked out behind Galina.

"That band was one of the best ideas any of us had." Seth said honestly as he watched the band come play behind Roman and Galina.
"I had asked them what they wanted their theme to be and they said family fun. I told them it was going to be hard to come up with a decent idea to accommodate to that and they shocked me and came up with this." I said honestly.
"Alright!" Tessa yelled. "Let's take it up with our judges!"
"Mike what do you think?"
"I thought it was great. I loved the enthusiasm you brought to the table Galina. It was contagious."
"Girl you were amazing! I thought the band was one of the best ideas we've seen thus far."
"I thought it was great. You're enthusiasm in the dance was really what made it for me. You both aren't the best dancers I've seen today but you're personality's shined through and really helped you out. Overall I'd give you a 31 out of 40." He said as Galina jumped into Romans arms with a smile.
"Good job guys!" Sasha squealed as they came back through the door.
"I don't even care if we didn't win. I had so much fun!" Galina said with a bright smile.
"Alright! Next it's the team of Brock and Nicole and they are dancing the Salsa!" Tessa screamed as a crew pushed in wooden crates and cones.
"Watch and learn." I winked.
"You ready?" Brock asked me.
"I was born ready." I said with a smirk.

"Hey that's not fair! She's flexible she can do so much!" Galina whined.
"And she brought in Kofi, Dolph, and Xavier to dance with her! That's cheating!" Seth added.
"Actually it's not." Dean said.
"He's right." Sasha sighed. "They're considered back up dancers. It isn't against the rules."
"That's not fair." Seth grumbled as he watched them finish up.
"Wow!" Tessa exclaimed. "Judges what do you think?"
"That was incredible! The moves you incorporated into the dance were amazing. I loved the choice of theme. The construction zone really worked."
"Girl you flexible like hell! You did amazing! I loved it!"
"I thought it was a great way to change up the salsa. It was breathtaking. The moves you did were amazing. The theme was great. Costumes amazing. And you had some pretty cool back up dancers." He said with a smirk. "Overall I'd give you a 38 out of 40."
Brock and I nodded our heads as we stayed on the dance floor and waited for Sasha and Dean to walk beside us.
"Okay both teams standing here tonight have tied for the highest scores. Judges it's your turn to put in your choices for who you would pick to win. But don't forget it's the audience who's votes really count. Please everyone open your google survey form and pick your winner!" Tessa shouted as everyone cheered.
"Mike who would you pick as the winner tonight?"
"Both teams did amazing tonight. But. If I were to pick a winner then I'd determine it by looking for who stuck out to me the most. To me dancing is not just about the elegance of it but it's also about the costumes and the flashy entrances. If it were up to me I'd choose Brock and Nicole." Mike said with a smile.
"Okay that's one vote for Brock and Nicole. Trinity what do you think?" Tessa asked.
"I get what Mike is saying but I don't know about y'all but I felt the chemistry pouring off of Sasha and Dean. They're movements and they're gracefulness shined through tonight. I'd vote for Sasha and Dean." Trinity said.
"That's one vote for each team. Phil?" Tessa asked.
"Well. I can see both sides of the coin here. The flashy move set and dynamics of Nicole and Brock's dance and the subtle elegance of Dean and Sasha's dance make this a really hard choice. I'm going to be honest with you if I were to pick a dance then I'd have to go with Dean and Sasha. They came in here as the true underdogs of this whole competition. Brock and Nicole have proven time and time again that they know how to put on a spectacular performance but the shock of watching Dean and Sasha got to me." Phil explained was I nodded my head in agreement.
"Alright. The judges have voted and they believe Dean and Sasha should take home the win tonight. Now it's up to the audience. Who do you guys think should win? Voting closes in 5...4...3...2...1!"
"And the winner is..." Tessa began as she pulled out her phone to read off the winner.
"Brock and Nicole!" She screamed as I smiled brightly.
"Congratulations." Dean said as he walked up and hugged me.
"I think it's safe to say we both won tonight. You got the judges vote. I got the audiences vote." I whispered as he smiled at me.
"Deal." He said back as he let go of me and allowed Sasha to hug me.
"Well played Lesnar." She said with a smirk.
""You better hope that luck continues for this weeks custody hearing." She said with a chuckle as she let go and watched as I jumped on Brock.
"It will." I said with a wink.

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