Chapter 30

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10:32 PM
Monday Night Raw
Houston, Texas

"Brock can you stop whining?!" I exclaimed as I quickly finished putting on my eyeliner

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"Brock can you stop whining?!" I exclaimed as I quickly finished putting on my eyeliner.
"No." He said bluntly as I rolled my eyes.
"You've been crying like a damn baby for months about not getting a title shot and now that you are you're fucking complaining?!" I said exhausted.
"You can't even stand there and say you don't hate the fact that you aren't calling the shots anymore." Brock said annoyed.
"You know what you're right. Does it bother me that I'm not the boss anymore? Yes it does. But you don't see me moping around and whining about it all damn day." I said as I shook my head with a scowl and put on my jacket.
"Whatever." He grumbled as he grabbed his beanie and put it on.
"Hey." I said softly as I walked up to him.
"Listen I know this is all stressful. But don't take out your frustrations about Vince on me. It's not my fault." I said as I smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry." He said sincerely as he gently lifted my chin with his hand.
"Are you ready to kick some ass?" He said as he tried to lighten the mood.
"When am I not ready?" I said playfully as I shoved him away.
"You're right." He said.
"I'm always right beast." I said as he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Whatever lets just go." He said as he opened the door and I walked out.
"So how is this gonna go down?" He asked.
"They're gonna introduce us and then the match starts." I said casually.
"Not much to tell. They basically gave us free reign."
"That's not smart." Brock said with a grin.
"Trust me I know it's not." I said as we reached the gorilla and we looked to see my parents, Vince, and Shane on the ramp.
"Ronda you won't be facing Stephanie and you won't be facing me either John." Hunter said as he looked at their confused faces.
"You'll be facing a man and woman of my choosing." Vince said with a smirk.
"And I've handpicked the best of the best to face you for your titles."
"And we truly do apologize for the short notice. Believe me we do. We know you've probably been preparing for a match against us." Stephanie said as she waved her hand in front of Hunter and herself.
"I guess that's just the downside of being the fighting champions you both repeatedly say you are." She said as she shrugged with fake sympathy.
"So without further or do. You're opponents are..." Shane said as he smirked.

The blaring sounds of Brock's music started.

The crowd immediately went ballistic. Throwing drinks and food. Screaming. Jumping up and down. Everyone in the arena, fans and superstars alike, cheered for the two icons who were nowhere to be found these past few months.

Everyone except John Cena and Ronda Rousey.

Everyone saw the looks on John and Ronda's faces change and everyone could tell they knew that they were officially fucked.

I walked out with Brock right behind me as the crowd cheered almost as loud as the music playing.
I stopped at the top of the ramp as Brock jogged in place while his pyros went off and I smirked.
Stephanie, Hunter, Shane, and Vince all stood on opposite sides of the ramp and as we walked past them and I gave a wink to Hunter as he slowly nodded in understanding.
"The beast and his beauty are back in a WWE ring!" Graves shouted as he struggled to talk over the crowds' cheers.
"Indeed they are Graves! Can you believe this?! Nicki McMahon and Brock Lesnar are here! This has just changed the game. We thought Ronda and John had beaten everybody! But they haven't beaten the The Beast and his Queen!" Micheal shouted.
"This is going to be a history making match!" Graves said.
"Indeed it is Graves."
I lifted my arms up and soaked in the loud sounds of the crowd as Brock trailed behind me again.
I was home.
We circled around the ring staring daggers at the two individuals standing in it.
"I'm going to end you." I mouthed to Ronda as she nodded in agreement with a wicked smile.
I made my way in front of the steel steps and let my jacket fall to the floor as Brock grabbed my hand and helped me up. I walked along the apron and stood in the middle of it as I held onto the ropes as I felt him jump onto the apron and put his arms out to grasp the top rope.
I mockingly waved to John as I stood there trapped by Brock's arms on either side of me.
He moved to the side and allowed me entry into the ring before him and as soon as I climbed into the ring I immediately went over to the ropes and flipped my hair back as the crowd cheered loudly.
His music soon died down and the ring announcer made his way into the ring.
"This match is set for one fall and is for the WWE World Heavy Weight Championship and the WWE Women's Championship! In this match if any member of any team is pinned they will lose resulting in BOTH championships being lost. Introducing first the team of the WWE World Heavy Weight Champion John Cena and the WWE Women's Champion Rowdy Ronda Rousey!" He said as the crowd booed intensely.
"And their opponents...the team of Brock Lesnar and Nicki McMahon!" He said as the audience roared in approval.
"I've got this." I said to Brock as he looked at me and nodded.
"It seems that Nicki and Ronda will be starting off this match." Graves said.
"Knowing what Nicki McMahon has been through these past few months you've got to wonder if that changes anything for her going into this match." Graves added on.
Ronda and I circled each other around the ring as I looked at her.
"Be careful what you wish for bitch." I said with a wicked smile.

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