Chapter 38

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The wedding of the year.

One Week Later

"Nicole!" Brock screamed as he stood in the hallway buttoning up his shirt. "Get the fucking door!" He shouted.
"Why is it always my job?! It's your house too!" I shot back.
"You've always greeted people. Why change an already effective routine?" He asked with a smirk.
"I hate you."
"Actually I'd beg to differ on that one princess. After all around this time tomorrow you'll be my wife. I hardly think you'd marry someone you hate."
"I did it once before." I said sarcastically.
"Touché." He said with a wink. "Now get the door."
"Ugh." I groaned as I walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey!" I greeted as Ashley and Tessa stood there with their suitcases behind them.
"Hey girlie!" Ashley exclaimed as she tackled me in a hug.
"I missed you." I said softly as she hugged me back.
"I'm sorry I haven't been around. I've missed you so much." She said as she hugged me tighter.
"It's my turn!" Tessa whined as she shoved Ashley out of the way.
"Tessa." I said with grin.
"Nicki." She said back.
"It's been too long." I said as I quickly hugged her.
"Well isn't it my three favorite girls!" A voice said and my face immediately lit up when I saw Mark and Michelle make their way up the steps.
"Marky!" I shouted as I ran to him and hugged him tight.
"Hey kiddo." He said as he chuckled.
"Michelle." I said with a smile as she hugged me.
"How are you?" She asked.
"I'm okay." I said as I smiled softly.
"I'll be right back." I said as I spotted my dad lugging suitcases out of a car.
"Steph why the hell did you need all this shit? We're here for one weekend!" He exclaimed.
"Honey you never know what someone might throw at you. There's so much to do here." She said with a smile.
"Daddy!" I shouted as I ran and jumped into his arms.
"Hey babygirl." He said as he laughed and hugged me back tighter.
"Mommy!" I said as she kissed my cheek.
"You have your suit right?" I questioned.
"Of course I do." Hunter said as he looked at Stephanie.
"I have my suit right?"
"Yes." She said as she shook her head.
"He complains about me packing a lot yet he can't even pack himself. It's ridiculous."
"Hey you knew what you were signing up for when you married me." He argued.
"Speaking of married I'm so glad that you decided you'd walk me down the aisle." I said honestly.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He said as he smiled at me.
"Come on mom I need to show you my dress!" I exclaimed as she smiled brightly.
"I'm so excited to see it."
"Trust me the photos don't do it justice." I said as we began to walk into the house.
"It's okay! I've got all the luggage! Don't worry I'll be fine!" Hunter said sarcastically as he continued to pull out suitcases.
"You need some help big man?" Dean asked as he walked over to Hunter.
"Uh...yeah sure. Thanks." Hunter said confused.
"No problem." Dean said as he began to pull out suitcases.
"Hey Dean?"
"For what it's worth I didn't agree with how they handled everything. Selfishly I was glad that you were the new black sheep of the family because for so long that was me. The one who almost never got invited to family meetings or was never told or involved in big decisions. I was the outcast even after I married Steph. I know it probably doesn't mean much to you but I understand more then you might think what you're going through." Hunter said.
"I appreciate you telling me all of that and I appreciate that you tried to talk to me, and even though you might understand a small fraction of what I'm going through you won't ever understand what it's like to find out that your biological mother didn't want you because of the mistakes she made. What it's like to grow up in a shit hole where nobody loved you and although my parents tried their best. God bless their souls. It wasn't enough. I never felt that unconditional love that Nicole and Roman and even Brock talk about all the time. I look at Brock and Nicoles' boys and Romans' little girl and I just think to myself that's how I would've wanted to grow up. With unconditional love from your parents. A place where you can make mistakes and you won't be crucified for them. A home. Nicole took in those boys like they're her own flesh and blood much like you did for her and Aubrey. Hunter she looks at you like you're her whole world. Like you're the knight and shining armor that saved her life so many countless times that anything horrible you may do doesn't even compare to the good you've done. I wanted that my whole life. And when I finally found out that I had a family. Not some fake cookie cutter family, but a real family with real problems and fights and arguments. A family where you can engage in wars with each other, but when anybody tries to attack one of you, you stand together because the problems you guys have doesn't matter at that moment because what does matter is protecting your own. I have seen your family go through the worst of the worst yet when the time comes you unite as one regardless of the issues you have, and what sucks the most is that they all couldn't do that for me. Ever since I found out I'm one of you it's been a battle to even get a seat at a family meeting or an invite to a fucking conference call. The only one that opened up their heart to me was Nicole. She gave me a chance to be apart of her life and to get to know Aubrey. She's told me so many stories I feel like I was there for most of them, but then I remember I wasn't. It's obvious Vince doesn't like me nor does he want me to have anything to do with this family. Hell I think he'd take Randy Orton as a family member over me. I think Shane doesn't have an issue with me but he's also not willing to stand up for me. I don't even know what to think about Stephanie at this point, and I know she's your wife and you're obligated to defend her but if she claims to care so much then why did she let her father blacklist me? You want to know the difference between them and me? I'm not going to make this weekend about them and me. I know there's going to be comments being made by Vince followed by silence from Shane and Stephanie and Nicole is probably going to get upset and defend me because she knows I won't speak up, at least not this weekend. I love Nicole with everything in me, but she doesn't deserve to have her wedding ruined. Fake or not this is still her wedding and I'll be damned if I let one of them ruin it." Dean said sincerely.
"I get it and I know you probably won't believe me, but I fought for you to be here. I knew who you were the minute I saw you on the independents. Dean you look just like Steph it's crazy. Vince didn't want some no name wrestler to be signed so quickly, but I knew you belonged here. If you were truly a McMahon then wrestling is in your blood. I didn't want you to miss out on getting to know them even if you didn't know they were your family. I know they haven't treated you like you should be treated especially when none of this is your fault. Vince will come around but until then I promise you I'm not going to let you be outcasted any longer. God knows I love Steph with everything in me but if she won't speak up for you then I will. You and I have more then you think in common one of those things being that we both love Nicole. I think both of us can agree that she has saved both of us more times then we can count. Lord knows I was so lost before she came into this world, but the minute I held her I was wrapped around her finger. She gave me a purpose. A new life and a new identity. If you don't believe that I'm doing this for you at least believe that I'm doing this for Nicole too. Whether you like it or not I'm related to you Dean and regardless of everyone else's opinions on you I see you as nothing short of family." Hunter said as he dragged 2 suitcases behind him and began his descent up the stairs.
"Hunter!" Dean shouted as Hunter turned around.
"Yeah Dean?"
"I think we both know the reason why Nicole is so open minded about me and so compassionate and loving towards those boys in there is because of you. So thank you for raising your daughter to be so kind and selfless because I don't know what I'd do without her in my life." Dean said honestly.
"She is her own woman. I raised her to be kind but I had nothing to do with who she became. That was her choice." Hunter said sincerely.
"Regardless of DNA Nicole is your daughter. Her personality speaks volumes to that. She may be McMahon business wise but she has so much more of you in her then you let yourself believe."
"I'd like to think so." Hunter said with a soft smile.
"Hunter thank you." Dean said simply.
"For what?"
"For this talk. For saying that you accept me. The truth is you'll never know how much that means to me."
"Anytime Dean. Family sticks together." Hunter said.


Hey everyone!!

What does everyone think about Nicki and Brocks wedding?

How does the new found relationship between Hunter and Dean make you feel?

Do you think Nicki will gain full custody of Caleb with the help of Brock?


I believe at this point in the story Dean and Seth need a love interest. Further down the line I will begin to introduce them. But I'd love your input!!
- Nikki 🖤

Please leave your vote in the comments section of this chapter with the corresponding letter and number to vote for who you think Seth and Dean should end up with.


A.) Sasha Banks
B.) Nikki Bella
C.) Zelina Vega


1.) Nikki Bella
2.) Carmella
3.) Tessa Blanchard

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