Chapter Twenty-four

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"Yes, I know exactly who that is. I don't forget that easily."

"Good. Tell us!" I urged her.

"Sorry, I don't think so," She said, and she took the handle and threw it in the garbage disposal.

"It's going to take a little more than that to get this information. Why would I want to help her?" I used a fork to get the handle back, but the names had been scratched off.

"Because she was your daughter," Lydia said slowly.

"Good guessing," She said, smirking.

"You're not going to help your own daughter?" I asked.

"I don't need a daughter," She said.

"You wanted to take her out of the pack," Lydia said.

"I did succeed though, didn't I?" She continued, smirking. "I guess I am going to leave. I am going to take advantage of my immortality in Mystic Falls."

"You killed her aunt in front of her," I said, having remembered the night of homecoming. I had been talking to her right before it happened, hadn't I?

"I know," Katherine said leaving. "Unlike you I do not have amnesia."

"There is something we can do." Lydia told us, and we followed her. Then I saw were stopped in front of a sort of metal capsule. She explained how it worked.

"Is this safe?" I asked not really sure about this plan.

"Do you want me to lie to you?"

"Oh..." I said, resigned.

I got in. It was so cold. I felt the head leave my body. I felt every single inch of me seize up and scream for heat. Then I lost most of my consciousness.

Then I was in a room with a large desk. On that desk, there were many papers. I picked one up. It was a drawing of me playing lacrosse. I blinked, and suddenly I was watching the scene. Someone ran down from the bleachers. It was a girl. Y/N. The name just seemed to match the person. I picked up the next drawing and it was a pen. It was Coach's pen. It was a miniature lacrosse stick pen. Then I was in a field.

There were two lacrosse sticks. I picked one of them up. I looked at the other side of the field, and there were two people. One of them was me. We were shooting lacrosse balls into the net. Sophya didn't get any in, and she was getting frustrated. She set the lacrosse stick down and sat on the ground. I came over and reassured her she would learn eventually and hugged her. I picked up another one. It was a roof. The school roof. I watched as we were dancing and smiling. Then I saw something underneath that desk. It was a baseball bat. I picked it up, and when I looked around I saw that I was in a school corridor. Suddenly three people came towards me. It was me and two other boys. Scott and Stiles.

"We're trying to help you, you little runt!" Stiles told me. Yes, I remembered. Suddenly I was being pulled away from the scene. I was back in the room with Lydia and Scott.

"Why did you stop? It was working,"

"Yes, but you were dying," She told me. "Just go get warm. We'll take it from here," She told me. I nodded and went to sit on one of the chairs, feeling extremely anxious. I watched as Lydia was staring into the flame.

Scott was reading from the paper that Lydia had given him and Lydia was doing something with her hands. It looked like she was using a remote control. After long minutes she gasped.

"It worked."


I was back. Lydia and Scott came and hugged Stiles and me. Scott felt like an ice-cube, but Lydia was warm.

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