Welcome 2 Space (GOTG 2016)

Start from the beginning

Yondu smiles widely as his golden tooth glistens, "You know what, boy? That ain't too bad."

"Hey!" The Ravanger in the back who first told Yondu about the bounty, whines out.

Yondu turns to one of his men, Kraglin.
"Put a bounty on him. 40k. But I want him back alive!"

"Alive?!" One of them cries out, "I told you when we picked that kid up, we should've delivered him like we was hired to do! He was CARGO! And now you take advice and go soft on yet ANOTHER Terran?!"

Yondu roughly grabs the yelling Ravagers collar.    "You're the only one I've been soft on!"
The soldier looks down nervously as Yondu's arrow glows a bit.
"Now don't you worry about Mr. Quill. And with this bozo over here, we have extra hands."

Y/N raises one of his eyebrows,
"Um, blue guy or whatever your name is..."

"Yondu!" The Captain informs, "And don't you forget it!"

"Right, Sorry, YONDU. Anyways, I couldn't care less about helping you guys. And besides, unless your bounty prize is U.S. dollars, I really don't care."

"What's a dollar?" One of the Ravagers asks from the back.

"My point exactly. Anyway, if you could just let me out of these bindings and led me one of your ships, I'm sure everyone here will be happy, especially me."

Everyone looks around at each before bursting out in laughter. Y/N looks around in confusion before laughing to himself nervously.

"Ha Ha, w-what's so funny..."

"You are!" Yondu bellows as he smacks a laughing Ravanger on the back. "Either you help us find Quill, or I'll give my boys your Terran flesh."

"Well, you're gonna have to eat me because I ain't giving ya shit!"

Yondu whistles towards the trapped Y/N, which causes his arrow to fly out and float right in front of L/N's throat, causing him to gulp to himself.

"So what's it gonna be, Terran?" Yondu asks as everyone looks to see Y/N's answer.

Y/N rolls his eyes as he frees his fingers a bit,
"Ya know, on second thought, I can help you guys with one other thing before you kill me."

"And what's that?"

"I'll tell you, but you gotta move this damn arrow away from my throat."

Yondu snarls at the request, but nevertheless whistles again, causing the arrow to fly back into his holster.

"Okay, now you have to get closer so I can tell you."

"If he's the dumbass I think he is, he's actually gonna do it."

Yondu gets close to Y/N's face, unaware of the smirk plastered on the Avengers lips.

"Fuck you AND your crew."

He summons electricity around his body, causing Yondu to scream out in pain and the ropes around Y/N's body to sizzle off.

Once they're off, he headbutts the blue alien away, knocking him into unconsciousness as he falls to the ground.

Everyone surrounding him gapes down at their fallen leader. 3 seconds later, they look up at the attacker, but Y/N is already seen running away.



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