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Stiles p.o.v

            Everything was supposed to go back to normal well not normal-normal, but as normal as you can get having a werewolf as your best friend, which isn’t really normal is it? Well everything was supposed to go back to my kind of normal. We just defeated Allison’s grandfather and the kanima (Jackson), and everything should have gone back to the way it was before, except now Jacksons a werewolf making him twenty times scarier than when he was the kanima.

            Other than that everything should have returned to the way it was, no more evil creatures, no more mysterious deaths, and most of all no more things trying to kill me. I thought everything was going to be smooth sailing from now on, no more surprises. Boy was I wrong. All it took my dad was one sentence to make my world come crashing down “Stiles, I got this really good job offer for police caption, and it would be stupid of me to turn it down, so were moving to New York”. That was the day that everything changed.

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