Chapter 3

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     STILES P.O.V    

        I calmed down with the familiar smell of smoke filling my lungs. This was the only thing that I actually enjoyed about my day, other then the whole joy riding in a stolen car thing. That was freaking awesome, its not my fault people leave their keys in their cars, its Like they're just telling you to steal their car. I flicked my cigarette off the balcony and decided to go hide in my room before Jaymi came back to talk to me. He's the only person that could make me feel like pure shit for all of the things I've done, and I wasn't ready for that at the moment.
"Stiles," jaymi yelled.

         I beelined my way to CJ's room. And banged on the locked door.

"Mia I swear on Stiles's life if you don't get away from my door I will shave your head," CJ yelled.

"Its not Mia its Stiles open the damn door, and stop swearing on my life," I snapped.
             The door click and CJ pulled it open. My eyes widened when I saw that his usually ginger hair was dyed bright blue. He looked like a fucking smurf. " You look like a smurf on drugs," I said while pushing him out of the way and walking into the room him and Riely shared. "Thanks for the selfestem boost bro, and you can thank your sister for this amazing new look," he said while rolling his eyes.   I kicked my combat boots off and planted my butt on Riley's bed. Making myself comfortable.

"So what did you do?" I asked.

         He sat down on his bed and raised his eyebrow at me. He let out a dry chuckle

"I could ask you the same thing?"he said.

            I rolled my eyes at his smartassness. This kid is like a carbon copy of me. He is the ultimate smartass, sarcasm is his first language, that's the reason why we get along so well.

"Nothing to tell," I responded.

"Suurree, and I didn't screen shot Mias diary, now tell me what you did." he said sarcastically.
          Ugh this kid knows me too damn well.

"I may have borrowed a car, and got in an argument with dad."

"How bad was it?" He groaned knowingly

"I saw red, he brought my mom up and I just flipped out, and Riely saw, I fucked up dude," I admited.

"Ha we all fuck up dude its life shit happens life moves on, its dad he want hate you," CJ said

"For a kid your actually smart cal-," I stared to say before he cut me off.

"What did I tell you about putting my government name out there, and I'm only 3 months younger then you dumbass," he snapped.
"Whatever smartass," I said.

"Why are you in my room anyway?" He asked in annoyance.

            The sound of "never too late" by Three Days Grace filled my ear. I smiled down at my ringing phone knowing exactly who it was, I hopped off the bed opened the door. I threw my middle finger up and left the room. Ive been waiting for this call all day. I quickly went to my room and shut the door with my foot.

"I was starting to think that our forgot all about me lahey," I said into the phone.

"Like I would ever forget about my best friend," Isaac said.


Yes stiles and Isaac still kept in contact

Pic of CJ

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