(not an update) a little something💛❤

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thank you guys for reading my book and voting for it i- 😳😳😳 anyways,,,,I made a little something for my jotaro whores💕

this is vvvvv long and its,,,hehe,,,,its not finished yet but I'm still gonna publish💛❤ I kinda don't wanna make multiple chapters on this one cause i don't want for people to go omg so many chapters only to find out like 3 of those are not connected to the story at all. ALSO there's a lot of timeskips😔,,,,, anyway here y'all go💕💕

you don't have to read it if u don't want to😔it's ok

the zeppeli family has a tradition of fighting along side the joestar family, and y/n just can't seem to find the joestar kid that she's supposed to protect. y/n is caesar zeppeli's great granddaughter, and she wants to prove it.

"sigh, where could that kid be, shithead"

y/n's stand: SHITHEAD

catchphrase: SHA-THEED!


"shaa~" shithead said, dragging the a

"I'm really starting to worry about this kid. what if he's a fucking dumbass? what if he died already because I was too slow? nah, joestars just have that extreme luck, ya know?" y/n babbled, feeling the warm sun as it settles down on the horizon.

shithead is y/n's talk buddy and y/n likes how shithead just listens and says some dumb shit once in a while. she won't admit it, but she's a fucking weirdo for talking to her stand.

y/n is spending her teenage years searching for that goddamn joestar she's destined to protect, and her patience is running low.

"you know shithead, I might just fuck everybody up if I don't find that joestar" y/n grew impatient as she watched the sun disappear.

the girl stood up as she let her stand stay by her side. she's always letting that stand of hers to just float around and exist which helps her observe her surroundings. and who knows, maybe this joestar kid has a stand and might see it

y/n walked around the neighborhood, hoping to feel that connection she's been waiting for for years.

whenever a zeppeli touches a joestar, it's like their body knows

she's grazing one passerby's hand after another, desperate to feel that spark. she knows a joestar is nearby, she just can't pinpoint where, and she's been trying to since the last three months now.

"forget it, I'm tired now" y/n said to her stand before doing a sharp 180 and going to her home

the silence was killing her as she approached her house, she really wanted to hear something else other than her footsteps.

"I'm home" she said in a monotone voice, her eyes trailing to a picture of her once perfect family. "I know I used to laugh at you guys for using the word destiny...but now, I want to make you proud, even if it means saying cringey shit like 'it's destiny' or some shit"

y/n's eyes we're getting blurry from the tears she's trying to stop. "I guess it really is the zeppeli tradition to sacrifice yourself, huh?" her eyes wander around the familiar faces of her parents. she really misses them.

"y/n, one day im going to carry out the tradition and you have to accept that, okay?" her father spoke in a gentle tone "are you talking about this bloodline thing again, papa? it's all just a coincidence this destiny stuff isn't true"

'I really wish it wasn't'

"it wasnt supposed to be true. this destiny shit was supposed to be bull! guess I was the one saying the fuck fuck shit in the beginning"

(!!!DISCONTINUED SORRY!!!!)into the jojoverse (vento aureo reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now