3+1//serving some action

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yeah I'm not putting a cursed number in one of my chapters smh

you were writing on a piece of paper against a wall, making the note look like a third grader wrote it. but whatever, you had to take advantage of the situation, and you had to be smart, so handwriting isn't that big of problem right now. you were looking for that poor delivery boy who was probably going to die if you don't interfere. I mean, you did hear the conversation, didn't you?

kill the sender, get the money, make up a story, live life. it's that simple.

you shivered as you recalled his tone. it's as if he wasnt bothered with taking a life away. there's some shit going on in here, and you may just get entangled in it.

you grabbed a small, flat battery that you recall having in your backpack. you don't know why it was there and why you had it in the first place, but this came in real handy. you blue screened for a moment after remembering all the moments that you thought of throwing it away. good thing you were lazy enough to not throw it. you wrapped the note on the battery, making it as flat as possible. how you made it stick? well the answer is quite simple... and gross. you used your fucking sweat from your clammy ass hands and used it to stick the paper to the battery. kinda disgusting, but you gotta do what you gotta do. ya girl ain't just carrying glue around.

you really hope that this'll work.

from far away, you caught a glimpse of a man carrying a suitcase. you knew he was the sender. he was wearing a crop top and some tiger pants. honestly, you thought that the mf looked like a stripper. you immediately started to walk towards him, planning to put the small piece of battery in the suitcase. your heartbeat raises as you approach him closer. your gut tells you that you shouldn't show your stand. and you listened to your gut.

you didn't reveal shithead; maybe he was also a user like that cow. who knows?

you brought your stand out after passing the man, immediately controlling the battery to go in the case. it was successful. now, you just have to carry the rest of your plan. may your luck be in top shape.

after putting the battery in the suitcase, you stealthily went back to the alleyway, careful to not let anyone know.

you waited ontop of a roof for action to happen. only then will you carry out your plan.

not long after arriving, you heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the alleyway. your hands began to clam up while adrenaline filled your veins. you were really going to interfere with possible gang members huh? well, it's too late to back out now.

you hear someone open the suitcase, now you're really nervous. "why's this here?" you steady your breath, ready to serve some action.

you looked down to see what was currently happening. and damn they're dumb. instead of unraveling the note, they just threw it. and you thought that this plan was gonna be fool proof. before you could talk shit about the two, you snapped back to reality. a man's gonna get killed if you don't stop internally face palming. you looked down again, now you were seeing some serious action. the man who was receiving the suitcase drew out his gun, making the other freeze into his place. "what's this for?" the stripper looking headass said, trying to be intimidating. "look, all I want is to live like a king. don't tell anyone... but I've been stealing from the boss this whole time," the man holding the gun said, chuckling. the other deadpanned, looking like he just heard a dumbass talk. "why the fuck are you telling me something you don't want to go around, huh dumbass?" he said. "because... how's a corpse gonna tell someone?"

before the man could pull the trigger, you immediately sprung into action. you jumped off the roof, landing on the psychopath of a man. it wasn't the most graceful landing you've done, but hey, it's a landing.

"literally just heard everything you said. the boss sent me here. he'd be delighted if I were to kill you," you said, thinking you're all cool and all while standing up. it didn't take long for the man to be scared, but you didn't expect the other to speak. "what's our names then?" the other, less intimidating man said. you blue screened, this was the moment that you knew you fucked up. "gotcha, bitch. as if the boss would send someone as dumb as you!" damn, mf really kicked you off your high horse huh? before you could battle the man at an IQ test, you magically found yourself being choked. "harder😳" you said while struggling. the man stopped for a second, but that second was all you need. you immediately pulled out your stand, shithead. shithead punched that mf harder than your moms di-

shithead's punches were more than just punches. they were energy coated punches. every punch electrocuted the mf. in the end, the tough mf passed out while the smartass went running.

you smirked at your decisions, thinking you're all badass and that all your problems are all solved. oh hunny, take a look back.
"who are you?" the stripper looking man said while pointing his gun at you.

oh boy, after a problem gets solved, another appears.

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