1//drinking 'til the cops came

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the sound of bells ringing occupied students' ears as they closed their lockers with force, many not wanting to go to their next class. of course, y/n was one of those kids. the sound of her locker closing was a bit satisfying to her, correlating it to the day being closer to over. upon closing hers, a voice called out to her. "y/n!" she heard. the girl whipped her head, excited to see who called out. she recognized the voice, but her being a social kid, she couldn't pinpoint who it belonged to. "what's up?" the girl said, finally realizing who it was. it was Mr. Bailey's kid. "I'm having a party later after school; you're invited." he said, giving the girl a flyer which had the location and a printed picture of their house. the boy immediately went away, trying to grab the attention of another kid. y/n smirked, knowing everyone's coming to trash this poor boy's home.

mr. bailey was a shit teacher, always saying shit like "it's not my fault you didnt study" when he didn't teach the material. this pissed some students off, so now, it's their chance to get revenge. he's just overall a shitty dude, being a homophobe and a sexist, it made the lesbian kids with short, dyed hair who are also feminists boil in anger.

y/n walked in a good pace to her next class, rolling her eyes internally at some freshmen who bumped into her after running to their next class like they're excited or some shit, but after they said sorry, it's all cool. there were still a lot of kids in the hallway, some were couples making out which made y/n scrunch her nose in a 'what they fuck, bruv' manner. walking to her next class felt like an eternity with the group of friends in front of her, occupying all the space in the hallway. and to make matters worse, they were slow as HELL. the girl said excuse me, but the group only looked at her for a moment, and they immediately went back to chattering. y/n immediately knew these were "tough" freshmen, thinking they're all cool by being disrespectful. if these kids knew y/n l/n, they'd move the fuck aside. before y/n could assault some random kids not knowing she's basically always looking for a fight, benji interfered. "she said move. you're blocking the way," he said in a tough manner, making the freshmen move before rolling their eyes. y/n looked at the boy with a bored face. "what the fuck, I wanted to fight them," y/n said. "which is why I said something. I don't want you breaking some kid's nose and getting suspended AGAIN," the boy scoffed, folding his arms, all the while sounding like a mother. "okay, mom." y/n pushed him playfully. "anyway, what's your next class?"

the two chattered while going in their next class. it's rare that their schedules meet.

after hours of boredom and some annoying students testing y/n's ability to be nice, school's finally over. y/n put her hands in her jacket's pockets, feeling something crumple up. the girl pulled it out, curious what fuckery she put in her pocket again. ah yes! the party! "benji," y/n called out to her friend beside her. benji raised an eyebrow, not wanting to waste energy saying 'huh?' "you going to the party?" their lockers were beside each other, not making it hard to communicate. y/n grabbed her skateboard and a cheap bottle of red wine. benji eyed the bottle, really confused as to why the girl has it. and if you look closer, its cold. what the fuck does y/n have in her locker? "of course. I'm not wasting a chance to trash Mr. Bailey's house," benji rolled his eyes.

the house wasn't that hard to spot, it had colorful lights coming out of it and some classic caramelldansen blasting through the speakers. y/n was 100 percent sure that cops were going to come sooner or later.

the party was a mess. some football dudes were destroying the pool table, and cops were knocking on the door. some kid even shitted on the family computer. y/n, being the feral kid she is, climbed up the already broken pool table, many students having their attention hooked. "FUCK THE POLICE!" y/n said loudly, while policemen where still banging on the front door. football kids were preventing the door to get opened. eventually, the doors gave up and policemen came rushing in. y/n, still on top of the pool table, raised her finished bottle of wine up and smashed it on the floor. "SCRAM!" the girl shouted, creating chaos all over her. she doesn't know where benji is, but she's hoping he went home.

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