
479 33 25

tw // mentions of drug use, violence and death


Bright rays of sunshine directly hit the boy in his eyes just as he closed heavy glass doors. One of his arms was holding a plastic bag full of groceries while the other one was from behind dragging another person that wanted to tag along.

"Yutaaa, slow down. My legs aren't as long as yours!"

A small girl let out a whine while the boy happily laughed, slowing down a bit as requested. That was true, Itsumi was two times shorter than him, her hand drowning in her big brother's one.

They were leaving a hypermarket, heading towards their mom that was already waiting for them in the car. She had to drop by the cosmetic shop, sending the two siblings to go buy a few things as their fridge was after three days missing the food needed for today's big cooking.

The wind blew into their faces so Itsumi used her brother as a shield meanwhile Yuta was cursing at his long dark hair. It looked cool but it also often bothered his daily life. Still, he was thankful for the breeze cooling his skin that was burning under the sharp spring sunshine.

"Joohyeon complimented my dress today!" The small girl held her baby pink skirt that was cut right under her knees, skipping cutely in front of her brother and doing a small jump before spinning around and putting her arms up.

Yuta chuckled. "Yeah? Did you spill his drink as a way to say thank you again?"

"Nooo!" She covered her ears while whining. "That happened only once, stop reminding me!"

The boy laughed, catching up to the little girl that seemed to be experiencing her first love story. The same as him, Itsumi shared the social butterfly gene-she was popular among the kids in kindergarten, however, she still preferred talking to her two friends, partners in crime and of course the boy that made her mochi cheeks blush.

"Okay, okay, princess."


Yuta would laugh again but stopped when his eyes caught a familiar figure. Their mom was impatiently leaning against the bright red sedan but once they crossed the street, he noticed that she was actually on a call with someone.

"I hope she won't go to work tonight," Itsumi whispered while pouting her lips and Yuta sighed. They were supposed to have a small garden party, only the closest family-or rather finally all four of them. Since their parents were busy with their business most of the time, the two siblings sometimes had to spend time alone or with their grandparents.

"Don't worry." Yuta held Itsumi's small hand while both of them made their way through the parking lot towards their mom.

Their mom hung up just as she saw her two cute children and immediately opened the trunk for Yuta to put the groceries inside. Itsumi already sat in the back, fasting the belt herself as she was taught a long time ago. As the daughter of parents working in high league, she had to learn to be more independent-although her brother was always there to pamper her highness.

"What was that about?" Yuta asked, closing the trunk. His mom, Mrs Nakamoto heaved rather a tired sigh before shaking her head. "Work. But I told them I'm not available till tomorrow so my secretary will be taking over for the night." She gave him one of the reassuring smiles and Yuta felt his shoulders relax. Despite being the big brother, he too liked to spend time with his parents-even though he wouldn't always show much affection as he used to in younger age.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes, we had fun! We even stopped at the candy store." Itsumi giggled as if she just told a secret. It was, in fact, a secret Yuta made her keep a promise not to tell but what else could be expected from a kid in her age? Her brother rolled his eyes when his mom playfully smacked him.

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