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Glassy chandelier glittered in the lights hanging around the grandiose walls of the wide room which was filled with classic music slightly pushed off by loud buzzing.

Any other day half of the large mansion would be empty, only maids doing small things here and there, the family occupying either their rooms or being on expensive vacation outside the country. However today the house was hosting a big gala party which wasn't only important—rather than for fun but also reserved for the well-off families.

Richest people came there to have fun in thousand times higher quality than normal people could only dream of but they also were there for nothing else than business. The bosses and CEOs all over Korea and neighbouring countries talked between each other, acting like they are good old friends and totally not rivals.

Besides the finest wine and delicious food, deals and contracts were served, many involving big money.

The party was very important, yes, yet the boy observing his surroundings felt like running away to McDonald's even with his hair styled perfectly thanks to those tons of hairspray, and in his neat tuxedo worth monthly bill of the rentable dormitory room.

His appearance shone in expense still he wasn't feeling like it at all.

"Yuta, dear! Come here to meet this gentleman!" Just as he was eating another piece of grapefruit, he got interrupted by yet another conversation he was involuntarily pulled into by his too nice mom because, according to his parents, he should get to know his future partners.

It's not like he was dragged there against his will though. Surprisingly, even to himself, he was fine with taking over his parents' business in the future and all responsibility coming with it. He just wasn't into faking joy while talking to people who might stab him in the back one day. And besides, he was more into going to conferences or staying in an office rather than attending these stupid events. They are only for showing off and he wasn't interested.

"Nice to meet you, Yuta." As soon as he was standing on his dad's left side, a man, once again unknown to his senses, gave him a big smile. It appeared mischievously but with a hint of slyness and almost unnoticeable scorn. He wasn't the first and the last tonight anyway. Yuta almost let out a snort.

However, this time he felt something scary reeking from the man's presence and it all instantly clicked when his dad started introducing them further.

"Yuta, this is Mr Jung Minwoo, the CEO of KNB."

The boy met the man's piercing gaze and he plastered a smile. "Nice to meet you too," They shook hands.

Of course, Yuta recognised the man, the head of Korean National Television which was at the same time the most popular broadcasting system in the country. Seeing he was actually a tall, well-built man—not a dwarf with top of his head completely bald and the buttons of his neat shirt almost flying away, made the boy slightly nervous.

But Yuta's dad was one awesome person and after changing a few words and fake compliments, his son was allowed to leave and perhaps talk to the other teenagers in his age. They too came with their families and were currently bored to death in one of the corners while using the free wireless network.

As if, Yuta rolled his eyes. He wasn't in the mood to talk with snotty kids whose biggest problem was that their fifth iPhone X got burnt because they threw it into a microwave. No, Yuta was not going to lose any more brain cells and, instead, his hungry belly pleaded to just leave.

in silence ᴰᴼᴵᴸOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz