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Doyoung didn't come the next day.

The seat on Taeil's right was uncomfortably empty, making him glance in its direction every once in a while. And even when he tried to ignore it, the missing shadow of the boy was irritating his peripheral view.

It worried him, of course, it worried Taeil a lot—mainly after yesterday when he knew the day itself had some impact on the mute boy. Other days he'd think Doyoung was just ill or had an appointment but now it straight up connected to his past that Taeil was trying to find about. The fact irked him since the moment he realised the boy wouldn't show up in school today.

Yet, maybe, it was really just an appointment and he was worrying over nothing. That thought made him relax for the first few hours until the lunch when he crushed into Sicheng and Ten at the toilets.

Quietly opening the door, Taeil slipped inside expecting to be met with silence. Since there's a small hall before the room with washbasins, a long spacious mirror opposite of the toilet cabins, his presence wasn't yet exposed to the students occupying it. And that was a good opportunity as soon as Taeil caught the name 'Doyoung' coming out of someone's mouth.

It was Sicheng. "He didn't come today, at least I haven't seen him."

"Did you search for Taeil? They've been sticking to each other for the past few months." Replied another voice—Ten's.

Taeil furrowed his brows. Were they that obvious?

"I saw him and he seemed down. Maybe Doyoung really didn't show up and it seemed like Taeil knows why."

Damn, they're good, Taeil though. But that also meant that it wasn't about an appointment. Taeil's skin shivered.

"Not only it is the fucking Valentine's day but also—" Ten took a sharp breath, even Taeil was able to catch it.

"Shall we visit today? I'd be nice of us to go see him at least once. You know, bring flowers and shit." The words were slowly leaving Sicheng's mouth and Taeil could once again hear Ten sighing before a sound of flowing water filled the room.

However, that wasn't what caught his attention. Flowers? Then, as if something clicked inside his brain, Taeil gasped quietly. Were they talking about visiting hospital? Or worse—cemetery? He travelled back to the day when Yuta mentioned what Sicheng told him about the car crash. It was logical to think that there was a slight chance of someone getting injured. But getting to see the light for the last time? Taeil was starting to get nervous.

Ten continued "What if we find him there?"

"That's more than possible." Sicheng heaved a sigh just as Ten stopped the water. "Let's go, I still have to get ready for that presentation."

A small rustling could be heard and as the two were leaving the now empty bathroom, Taeil watched them from behind the corner at the other side of the school hall. He thought about following them later, finding out more about the matter and perhaps finding Doyoung.

But he decided to stay.

"Happy Valentine's day!" Yuta shouted out loud, making sleepy Johnny wince from his seat.

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