Chapter 06 - The Drizzle

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The police even had to stationed outside the hospital, since some of Taeyong's own fans decided to gathered in front of the hospital, crying and wishing him fast recovery. 'Some' isn't a right way to described it, because there were a lot of them. They even blockaded -unintentionally- the hospital entrance, causing disturbance to the public facilities to the point the hospital had to issued warning and ban toward the fans. Luckily, the fans seemingly only acted impulsively because of the shocking news, and they were then cooperating with the hospital and police, and dispersed the crowd. But some of them still send flower arrangement outside the hospital, which was allowed by both the hospital and the police.

The dreamies visited together on the second day, acting as mental support for Haechan and Mark who were on shift at that day. The teens presence actually helped both Mark and Haechan, as the two of them were so stressed by the current situation.

Jisung had cried beside Taeyong's limp hand. Saying that he missed him and how it was not the same without the elder's presence. The boy also cried for him to wake up because Taeyong had promised to evaluate his dancing for Dream's new comeback plan. It took both Jaemin, Jeno, and Manager Jungsu to calm the youngest down.

Chenle had looks visibly upset. The Chinese boy was known for having strong mental and self-control, but a teardrop escaped his hold, and watching the ever-strong Chenle cried was breaking Haechan and Mark's heart even more. The boy cried silently, with Renjun beside him offering his shoulder to cry on.

SuperM hyungs visited by turns on the third until fourth day. Kai and Taemin visited on the third day, while Baekhyun visited on the fourth. The seniors had said that they strongly believe that this case isn't a mere thievery, since they had their share of crazy sasaeng and anti-fans, and reminds Doyoung and Jungwoo -the ones who were present at that time- to be extra careful in the future. They said that this case could act as a trigger for the other sasaengs and anti-fans.

Baekhyun came when it was Taeil's shift. The EXO main vocalist was supposedly busy with his upcoming comeback, but the elder came running to the hospital when his manager had finally able to freed up his schedule.

He told Taeil his times with Taeyong during SuperM promotion and tour in US, how sweet and bright the NCT leader was, how strong his desire to spoil him, since Baekhyun said that he can see the stress and tiredness on Taeyong's eyes on their first meeting, an expression that shouldn't have been there on a 25 years old man's face. Baekhyun then told him how amazing Taeyong is, since 'being a leader is apparently more tiring than I imagined' he said, which Taeil internally agreed, Taeyong is amazing.

The culprit was also captured on the fourth day. The news came in the morning, easing up the anxiety of so many people. The guard was still there though, only decreasing in amount of officers stationed.

Today, the fifth day, was Jaehyun's shift. It's 9 at night and Jaehyun went to the hospital right after his emceeing recording ended. The manager was with him at first, but then he went back to dorm an hour later, leaving Jaehyun with the company of the still-sleeping Taeyong.

He still couldn't get used seeing the other being this vulnerable. He couldn't get used of the silence that comes after he called Taeyong's name, he couldn't get used of the coldness of Taeyong's hand, and he couldn't get used of the lack of bright eyes and sweet smile of Taeyong's in his world.

They say that 'Time heals all wounds', and Jaehyun used to believe that, but now he didn't.

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