The Chase + Crush + Backstory + New Furry Friend

Start from the beginning

(A/N: I drew this btw)
It snuggled up against my stick body. Awww. I stroked its fury body. "What's your name?" I asked it. "I don't have a name, but you could name me" it said. My eyes widened, it spoke. "Y-you can talk!!?" I asked astonished. "Yeah, what's your name?" the raccoon asked me. "I'm Match, I'm competing in an object show called Battle For Dream Island" I replied. "Now I recognise you, you come from Flame City, I'm a Sparking Raccoon" it said. "Uh what gender are you?" I asked the sparking raccoon. "I'm female" she replied. "Hm, I'll call you Ashley" I said. "I like that name!!!" she responded. "Let's be friends" she told me. "Okay" I replied. I tried to stand up again but I fell on my still aching leg. "Agh!!!" I screamed. "Are you alright?!" Ashley asked me. "No my leg is in pain I can't walk or anything!!!" I cried in pain. "Match!!!!!!!" I heard someone shout. Then I heard running coming closer towards us. I felt like I was going to pass out, my hearing was getting weaker. Suddenly everything went black...

Eraser's PoV
When Match had ran away from us, I felt really bad for her, so I chased after her. I ran into the Evil Forest to find her. It had been ten minutes and I haven't found her yet!!!! But then I heard a female voice scream... I then shouted out Match's name but no response. Then I saw her body on the ground next to a raccoon that was shaking her trying to wake her up by shouting her name. I ran up to them. "Match!!!" I cried out. The raccoon moved back. I held her in my arms bridal style. She looked pretty cute. Woah did I just call Match cute!!!! Fine maybe I do have a crush on her, but I can't tell my team or else they'd kill me. Then her eyes opened. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "No, I tripped over a large rock and I twisted my ankle and somehow it's bleeding" I checked her leg and her foot was facing the wrong way round and it was bleeding like she said. I had to help her in someway. "Should I carry you back to Death P.A.C.T. so they can treat your leg?" I asked her. "I guess so" she said with tears running down her cheeks. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I'm too scared to see Foldy" she said shaking in fear. Then the raccoon stroked her hand. "Awww Match, you should go with your friend back home to heal your leg" the raccoon said. I was shocked. "Wh- wait how, you can speak?!" I asked it. "Oh yeah I never introduced myself to you, I'm Ashley the Sparking Raccoon, Match's new friend" it said. "So I'm assuming your gender is female?" I asked. "Yes!!!" she replied. "Oh and I'm a very rare type of raccoon so I'm able to speak like you guys!!" she said. "Woah cool" I said. "So Match, do you want to go back home?" I asked her. "Uhh only if Ashley can like come with us!!!" she begged me with sad puppy eyes 🥺. I couldn't say no to her so I allowed her to take her new furry friend with us. I picked Match up and Ashley hopped onto my shoulder. "So what made you come out into the evil forest?" Ashley asked us. "Well you see, This Foldy that we said about earlier, well she said something mean to me last night and Match was sticking up for me but Foldy insulted her. Today, Match came to my team's clubhouse to check on me but Foldy said something that was extremely mean to Match and Foldy's archenemy stood up for Match and then Match told us what happened before BFB but Foldy didn't believe her and then called her a mistake then said more mean stuff to her and then Match ran away and then I then I ran after her then now we're here" I explained to the raccoon. "Oh no!!! We'll teach her a lesson not to mess with you two!!" she said. "What's your name?" she asked me. "Eraser" I replied. "Hmm, Match and Eraser, those are really cool names!!" Ashley said. "Heh, Thanks!!" Match and I said at the same time. "I think your name is cool too!!" I said to Ashley. "Thank you Eraser, Match named me that!!" she said. "Even though we're objects that have object names, I've always loved the name Ashley" Match said smirking. "That's cool" I said. We reached the clubhouse's again and I walked up to Death P.A.C.T.'s clubhouse so they could check out Match, make sure she's okay.

Pen's PoV
I was just sitting around, fiddling with my mini pen until there was a knock at the door. I opened it and to my surprise Eraser was at the door, carrying Match with a raccoon on his shoulder?!. "Hey you're both back!!!" I said. "Yeah, I like ran into the evil forest, and I tripped up on a large rock and I twisted my ankle and well for the raccoon, she's our new furry friend called Ashley" Match explained while Eraser just nodded. "I'll help you inside, Match" I said as Eraser slowly put her down and I helped her inside. "Thanks Eraser!" she said before closing the door. "Anytime" he replied. "Eraser can be a real gentleman these days" Match said dreamily as I placed her onto couch. I smirked at her. "Do you like like him" Liy asked her as she walked into the room. "Wh- no I don't!!!!" She said looking away from her. "I'm sorry for not realising that you were controlled" I apologised to Match. "Hey like it's okay" she said. Now I had to get her foot the right way round again. "Ok I'm just going to twist your foot so it's the right way round" I told her. "Okay" she said. I could tell she was worrying. I slowly and carefully twisted her foot back into place. Surprisingly she didn't scream. "You feeling alright?" I asked her. "Hmm" she replied. Then I noticed that her ankle was bleeding. I cleaned up the blood on her, then I bandaged up her leg. "Okay, Match you're free to go back to your team now" I told her. "Like thanks Pen" she thanked me. "Heh you're welcome" I replied. I helped her back to her team until the raccoon that was here earlier and hopped onto her shoulder. "Hi Match, is your leg ok?" it said. "Yes" Match replied. "Woah, you can talk?!" I said. "Yes!!" the raccoon said. I knocked onto Iance's clubhouse door. Lightning opened it. "Hey, your teammate has returned" I said in a posh voice. "Ha thanks" he replied. "Yw!" I replied. "Thanks again Pen" Match said. "Anytime" I replied. Then I walked back to my team clubhouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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