Evan x Reader

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Hi! I'm alive everyone! This chapter is dedicated to everyone who wanted to cry when they saw the hiatus chapter lmao

December had just begun, y/n had been dreading the month for multiple reasons. The main one being Christmas as they were far from their family this year, moving to LA did have its pros and cons. This year y/n got creative with who they spent it with as family wasn't an option. And who better than your group of idiot friends that you stream and make videos with.

There was only one big problem with the plan y/n had, everyone was planning to head home and see their families for the holidays. Except for one annoying little owl. Evan was planning to spend Christmas alone for once and had only told y/n about these suspicious plans. Y/n didn't buy the lie but went along with it to see if they could catch what Evan was trying to hide from the others.

Evan : I swear I'm not going to any party dude. I'm gonna be alone on Christmas.

Y/n : Yeah fat chance, if you are spending it alone then can I go over? Clearly you have ~nothing~ to hide lmao

Evan : That's great actually since you can keep me company and help me make more ad rev 😂

Y/n : I knew you were using me for something! Anyways you asshole I'll be over tomorrow after dinner.

Evan : What?? No no come over before so we can actually have time to record some good content and then we can hang out for the rest of the night

Evan : um if you want of course..

Y/n : God Evan you're acting like you're asking me to Senior prom. I'll go over earlier it's no problem.

And with that y/n put their phone down and went to their office to begin setting up for a video.

Timeskip to the next day

Y/n was dressed and ready, they went casual with a cute Christmas sweater to be in the spirit. The drive to Evan's house wasn't far, y/n listened to some Christmas music on the way and felt themselves getting more into the Christmas spirit like a child. And soon enough y/n parked their car and got out before running over and knocking on Evan's door.

"Evan! Could you hurry? It's fucking freezing out here!" Y/n pleaded. As if immediately hearing their pleas, Evan opened the door and laughed at y/n whining. "You look great, now hurry up and get in here before you turn to ice." He stepped aside and motioned for y/n to come inside. Y/n walked in and sighed in relief at the sight of a fireplace to warm up at, which they did run over to.

"I get you're freezing your ass off but you should come eat." Evan said before heading to the dining room. Y/n was puzzled, they didn't know that Evan had dinner ready for the both of them. Y/n went over to the dining room and saw a small yet fancy setup along with two glasses of wine and a sizable meal. "Oh Evan you really didn't have to." They said before sitting down across from him.

"Look I didn't make dinner just for you to not want it, let's just eat so we can open gifts or something." He said with a dismissing wave. That's when y/n realized they didn't bring a gift for Evan. "Oh my fucking god Evan I'm so sorry but I just realized I didn't bring anything for you. I feel like a bitch now." Y/n looked down in shame and admiration for the well made food below them. Evan just began laughing.

"Y/n, it's whatever, just eat the damn food." He said before digging into his own plate. Y/n just silently sighed in their head and began eating the delectable food Evan had made. They actually couldn't believe this was his cooking, y/n never knew Evan could cook in the first place. When you're a famous YouTube that's a gamer you usually think about getting takeout most of the time. At least, that was the case for y/n.

But nonetheless, y/n enjoyed the entire meal without realizing the romantic atmosphere that was surrounding them. Once they both finished though, they raced to the living room to begin watching some Christmas classics like Home Alone. Y/n and Evan were semi close, the romantic tension between them had begun increasing. "So um y/n. I actually got you a gift." Evan said. Y/n turned their attention away from the movie and to Evan.

He got up and grabbed a small rectangular box that was jammed in the tree to make it appear full of even small gifts. Evan meekly handed it to y/n, visibly nervous for their reaction. Y/n just sat silently as they opened the box, it's contents making a small gasp come out of y/n. It was a beautiful gold pendant, and the pendant itself had a cute owl on it along with fancy engraving around it. "Evan this is beautiful. It must have been so expensive though." Y/n said before looking up at him for affirmation about their guess on the price.

"Don't worry about it, I wanted to get you something nice and worthwhile since you've been such a great friend all this time." He looked away, now looking embarrassed. It wasn't like Evan to show any emotion, but when he did you could tell it was genuine. "Oh Evan you really didn't have to...but you know I appreciate it so much." Y/n said before moving closer to where Evan was sitting to give him a big hug for the gift. "You can...let go..!" He pleaded as y/n squeezed the life out of him.

"Sorry! I tend to get carried away with hugs." Y/n said as they giggled. Evan looked away and laughed a little before looking back at y/n and sighing. "Is something wrong? Did I really squeeze you that hard?" They asked as they looked at Evan worriedly. "No no...I um...I need to tell you something y/n." He said while looking down. "The real reason I didn't see my family this year may sound dumb to you...but I think it was entirely worth it."  Y/n just nodded as he spoke, not wanting to seem like they were insulting him.

"I...I wanted to be with you for Christmas y/n. I planned out this whole dinner and night for us so we could spend time together, because well...I like you y/n, like as in more than a friend." Evan's face was tinted pink as he looked away, embarrassed of what he had just confessed to y/n and nervous on how they would take the confession. "Evan...I didn't know you actually thought that about me. Let alone planning all this just for us to be together for the night. But um...I like you too. Actually I have for awhile, but I figured you were too busy with other things in your life to even have time for a relationship." Y/n was blushing as well, their face felt like it was on fire.

Y/n reached for Evan's hand, taking it in theirs. "You got it all wrong y/n." Evan said with a chuckle. "You were the only person I ever focused on so much. You kept me going through hard times...and even the guys know much you mean to me." Evan tightened his grasp on y/n's hand. "I know you just admitted to liking me too...but I still feel like I gotta ask. Y/n, will you go out with me?" Evan asked, looking directly into y/n's eyes for an answer.

"Of course I will." Y/n responded with a heavy sigh. Y/n hadn't realized it but they were holding their breath the entire time as they anxiously awaited what Evan would say. "You look like you just saw a ghost y/n, you sure you're okay?" Evan said while smiling. Y/n snapped out of their thoughts and hugged Evan tightly. "I'm much better now. Just being with you makes me feel better." They said while holding onto him tighter. "That's good...I feel the same way." Evan said before pulling away. He looked at y/n silently before slowly closing the distance between them with a long and passionate kiss. 

"Merry Christmas y/n."

Word count : 1384

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