Tyler x Reader

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Authors note, d/n means dogs name so you can just insert that instead of settling for something.

Y/n got up and got ready as usual, they were hoping for a sunny day to go out for a jog with their dog but when they looked outside they realized that was not the case. It was morning but the dark clouds made it look late in the day. "You've got to be kidding me." Y/n huffed. They decided to chance it and take their dog out even if the rain caught up to them.

As soon as y/n finished getting ready they heard the sound of light rain hitting their roof, and with that came an audible sigh. "D/n! Come on! Let's go out!" They shouted while grabbing the leash at their doorway. A shiba inu ran up and began clawing at y/n to put on the leash. Y/n put the leash on their dog before grabbing an umbrella and opening it, then stepping outside. As soon as they stepped outside they took a deep breath in to enjoy the fresh rain smell.

"Alright d/n, today is gonna be a walk only since it's raining." They said while looking down at their companion. The dog seemed to understand and began walking at a normal pace in front of y/n. They continued on like that for a few streets before another dog, running alone with a leash hanging off, came to greet d/n. "Oh aren't you a pretty breed! But where's your owner?" Y/n questioned before looking at the dogs tag. All it said was it's name, Kino.

"Well Kino, lets find your owner." They said before grabbing the dogs leash and walking around a bit more. They tried to go back the way Kino came but no luck, the rain was growing heavier so with no other option y/n went home with a new friend. Y/n kept the dogs inside but decided to try and stay on their porch just in case the owner came around the street looking for the dog. But in such heavy rain y/n doubted it.

Until they heard a faint male voice yelling for Kino. Y/n waited for the voice to get closer before running out onto the street to see who was yelling for the dog. It was a young guy dressed in sweats and a hoodie, he wasn't holding an umbrella. "Hey! I think I found your dog!" Y/n called out. He turned to face them, that's when they saw his face a little more clearly. "You have Kino?" He called out before beginning to walk towards y/n. "Yeah! Kino is at my house cause I didn't want the dogs in this rain. Let me take you there." Y/n began walking towards their home, as soon as they got on their porch they felt a tap on their shoulder.

"Forgot to mention, I'm Tyler." The guy said. Y/n opened the door to let him in before giving a greeting as well. "I'm y/n. Now let me get your dog for you. D/n! Kino!" They called out to the stairs. Suddenly two sets of paws were heard as Kino and d/n came barreling down with dog toys in their mouth. "Wow I guess they became friends fast. D/n, was it? I think it's a cute name." Tyler said. Y/n blushed a little before handing Tyler Kino's leash. "Yeah, maybe they could have a play date someday." Y/n suggested.

"Yeah, let me just pry that toy away from Kino." Tyler got on his knees and began calling Kino over. "It's fine, you can keep it. D/n already has too many toys since they're so spoiled. I'm sure losing one won't hurt." Y/n reasoned. "Oh, well then don't worry, I'll make sure Kino returns it next time they meet up." Tyler got up and began to leave, as soon as he opened the door a strong gust of wind filled the room. The rain had grown heavier since they had entered the house.

"You can stay for a little, the rain looks way too heavy to walk in, not to mention how soaked Kino would get." Y/n worriedly explained. Tyler slowly closed the door and pulled out his phone. "Yeah you're right, I'm gonna text my friends to tell them I'm all good." He replied. "Alright, I'll be in the living room with the dogs." They said before taking the dogs into the living room to play. Tyler joined them not long after, he and y/n had begun to hit it off well.

"So y/n, I forgot to initially ask but I do need your number if you wanna plan another play date for the dogs." He said boldly. Y/n blushed and could only nod and laugh as he passed his phone for them to put their number in. Y/n did so and handed it back, it was a bit obvious that Tyler was proud that he got their number. "You think the storm settled?" He asked. Y/n got up and checked from the living room window, they turned around and shook their head before sitting down again. "Sorry Tyler, I know it's getting late." They sympathized.

"It's fine. I mean, Kino looks happy as hell playing with d/n." He smiled and looked over at the dogs happily playing. "Yeah, they look cute. Almost like a couple." Y/n joked. That hint to Tyler couldn't have been more obvious. Tyler noticed it of course, it was odd to see such an attractive person already making a move but Tyler didn't mind. He could already tell just from the little time they spent together that y/n was a kindhearted person who only wanted the best for others. Of course he wanted someone like them in his life.

"I mean, we could totally take them on a date. Maybe something like a double date. We could grab some coffee and take them for a walk." Tyler tried his best to act nonchalant but inside he was a nervous wreck. Y/n tried not to turn red as they looked at Tyler and nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'm sure it would be loads of fun." They replied. Not long after y/n got up to check the window again.

"It's getting lighter, I'm sure you and Kino can make it home now." They said while turning around to see Tyler. "Sounds good, come on Kino." And at Tyler's words Kino went over and got his leash on. Y/n and d/n walked the duo to the door to say goodbye. "I'm looking forward to that date y/n." Tyler said as he stepped outside. "So am I." They replied as they waved goodbye and closed their door. "You got me a date d/n, I owe you one." Y/n said to their canine companion.

Word count : 1172

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