Jonathan x Reader

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Y/n awoke from their nap with a start, their phone was going off like crazy as messages poured in. They unlocked their phone to see that their friend group was messaging her along with yelling about it in the group chat. Y/n finally replied and yelled at them all for being so inconsiderate while they slept.

Of course y/n never stayed mad for long, after getting up and getting on their computer they decided to call up the boys on discord for a recording session. The only ones who picked up were Evan, David, Tyler, Marcel and Jonathan. "You ready to get your asses kicked in prop hunt!?" Y/n yelled as they started their recording.

"Yeah right, as if you'll do shit." Tyler replied. "Come on Wildcat you cant be so mean to the pretty pretty princess." Jonathan piped up. Y/n blushed but tried not to let it get to them. "Yeah like Delirious said! I'm the princess so I get to win no matter what! You boys are just my knights." They tried to sound royal but it wasn't really working out.

"Jesus now Delirious' craziness is rubbing off on y/n." Evan pointed out. "Not true! I've been crazy since before I met him!" Y/n retorted. "Yeah and now he's crazy about you." Tyler added. Y/n laughed a little while blushing from the statement. Jonathan was silent the entire time. Suddenly everyone went quite as an awkward silence filled the call.

"Guess I shouldn't have said that, lets just cut our recordings here and call it a day." Tyler said after awhile. "I second that." Marcel replied. One by one the boys quietly said their goodbyes until it was just y/n and Jonathan. " wait, Jonathan." They called out. He didn't reply. "I know you're still there." Y/n called out once more.

"Let's not talk about it." He murmured. "What's the big fuss about a joke? Tyler has always been mean like that but you all got so quiet for no reason." Y/n was confused as to why they all reacted like that until it hit them. They didn't realize that Tyler had just outed Jonathan on his feelings and everyone else knew. "Wait Jonathan do you-?" Y/n was turning red at this point.

"I said we shouldn't talk about it...just reject me now so I can leave." His voice was cracking, it sounded like he was crying. "N-no wait! I- well listen! I'm going to your house now!" They yelled out. Y/n hung up and got dressed quickly, making sure to put on a mask of their own since the two still hadn't seen each other's faces.


Y/n arrived and nearly broke his front door down as she knocked. "Let me in! Come on Jonathan!" They yelled. He slowly opened the door and y/n was surprised to see he actually had dressed like his gta V character. "What the hell are you wearing!?" Y/n exclaimed. Jonathan just sighed and gestured for her to come inside. "I'll explain." He mumbled.

"Well it better be a good explanation." They said before walking in and looking around at his home. Y/n couldn't believe it but Jonathan actually had a nice place, and his taste in decor wasn't exactly terrible even with some questionable choices. "Your place looks pretty neat." They said while turning around to look at the masked man. "Well it's alright, but we should sit, I know how impatient you are Y/n." He said while going over to his couch.

Y/n followed and sat down next to him. "So are you gonna explain yourself now?" They asked. He nodded and sighed. "Y/n...I...I've had feelings for you. Since the day we first spoke to each other your voice and your personality just drew me in." Jonathan was quiet as he reached for his mask, he slowly pulled it off to reveal his his face. "I figured you should at least get to see who I am while you're here." He said with a light giggle.

"Jonathan I..." Y/n didn't know what to say. They realized there was only one thing to do. Y/n reached for their mask and took it off, they smiled and looked at Jonathan waiting for any sign of approval. Jonathan just looked in awe of  Y/n's appearance. "Jesus...I didn't know you were that hot." He blurted out. Y/n blushed and lightly smacked him over the head. "That's a little rude you know!" They giggled before looking at Jonathan and coming closer. He took the hint and began closing the distance between them as well.

Slowly but surely they both melted into a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. Eventually they parted for air, and to assess what had just happened. "You have no idea how long I've dreamt about that for." He said while laughing. "Well I'd like to know, and maybe we should thank Tyler later." Y/n added. "Tyler is still a little bitch, but he did help me out with my crush on you." Jonathan replied. "You can't stay mad at him forever." They said while getting up.

"Where the hell are you going?" He asked. "To your room! I need to know what it looks like before I sleep in there!" Y/n sprinted up the stairs and ran into Jonathan's room to see it. "Wait up! I didn't get to clean!" He shouted while running up behind them. "It's not so bad, honestly I expected a bigger mess from a psychopath." They joked before walking over to his computer setup. "Tape over the camera? Jeez you know you can just stick to voice calls." Y/n teased.

"Well sometimes I wanna join the video calls to see you. You can't blame me for that." Jonathan mumbled. Y/n blushed and turned away from the computer. "Well I'm nothing amazing. I just don't wanna show anyone else who I am." They huffed out. Y/n was also a youtuber who hadn't done a face reveal so nobody knew what they looked like. They looked at Jonathan's bed and noticed something that only a big fan of his would know about.

"Teddy bear!" Y/n shouted before diving onto the bed to hug the medium sized stuffed bear. Jonathan's eyes widened but he smiled at y/n's joy to see the bear. "I'm sure he already loves you." He said. "And I already love the both of you." Y/n said while looking up at Jonathan. He blushed while sitting on the bed beside them. "I love you both too." He whispered while giving y/n a kiss on the cheek.

Word count : 1130

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