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Avery McDonald was what some would call a 'wallflower'. There were only a handful of people in all of Beacon Hills High that truly acknowledged her presence; her parents, her best friend, her brother, Boyd, Erica, Isaac, etc.

Unfortunately or her, some of these people soon became too cool to socialise with Avery and she was often left to her solitude. And, if she was honest, she didn't mind it all that much. The young woman was glad to have a bit of time for herself, to work on the projects she'd been assigned... Keep up with homework and such.

The downside was it meant she was bored more often, as well as lonely in the times she wished she wasn't. It left Avery to daydream a lot. And, the daydreams were good - perhaps a little too good, if she was to be honest with herself. Said daydreams usually revolved around the crush that she had been harbouring for going on ten years now.

The guy she was crushing on was just cute, so cute. And sarcastic. As well as funny, incredibly smart and witty. Plus, his spastic nature and gestures were another factor that added to his humour, the dork. And- well Stiles Stilinski was a lot of things; one of those things being the object of Avery's affection for years.

Before she had been ditched by her old friends for popularity, Avery had been told that she should just ask Stiles out. Take the chance, as the answer could be yes. It sounded simple enough, but it had taken her months to build up the courage to ask Stiles Stilinski to accompany her a movie that had just come out in the town's small, slightly rundown, local theatre.

To Avery's surprise and excitement, Stiles had said 'yes'.

"So, uh, pick me up at eight?"

"Sure." Stiles smiled at her kindly. "See you later!" He called out before walking down the hallway, albeit awkwardly, trying to catch up with Scott, whom had already made it down to the end of the hall.

Avery was left to sigh pleasantly, as she watched him walk away. Excitement and nerves began to build-up in the pit of her stomach. She finally had a date with the guy of her dreams.

What could go wrong?


The answer to that question came later on that night, in the form of her waiting outside her house on the front porch. Avery was dressed-up ever so prettily for the 'love of her life' – for over six hours.

Stiles had never shown up.

Her face, which had been painted delicately with flattering make-up, was now stained by the salty tears that she'd shed, once she finally accepted that he was never coming. Her clothes, an outfit she had planned to perfection in her head for at least three months, had become severely rumpled and slightly damp from the moisture in the air that night.

Not only was she entirely and ridiculously embarrassed, but she was also completely and utterly heartbroken.


"Wow, Aves, you look like a wreck."

It was new week. A brand new, fresh Monday morning at Beacon Hills High and Avery McDonald simultaneously looked, as well as felt, like complete shit. She stood next to one of the only friends she had, her long-time best friend; Georgia Collins.

"Wow. Thank you so much, really appreciate  that compliment." Avery looked well and truly non-Avery-ish. Typically she wore cute floral or printed shirts, skirts and dresses (occasionally jeans and a cute shirt, if she was feeling particularly lazy that day). However, today she was wearing sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt - something more akin to what was usually found on someone who was heading to the gym; which Avery was definitely not. "Stiles, uh, he didn't show on Friday."

Georgia let out a half-wheeze-half-gasp. Said peculiar noise was due to the fact the teen had to cart around an oxygen tank, which was at all time attached to her nose. She'd been suffering from severe lung issues for years, so this was her everyday norm. "What the hell do you mean he didn't show?" She slammed her locker shut to look more closely at her friend. "And also, why the actual fuck, did you not tell me when he decided to be an asshole and not show up?" Georgia was outraged, furious and most of all, shocked by Stiles' behaviour.

"George, you were in hospital all weekend. I wasn't going to bother you about it, and besides; you're not supposed to use your phone in there anyway." Like Avery had years prior, Georgia had recently become an older sister, which was why she had been in the hospital since then end of school on Friday.

"Okay first of all; that literally doesn't matter when my best friend is heartbroken." Georgia pointed to Avery, "And second of all, do you want me to kill him?"

The bell went overhead, telling them that they better shuffle off to class.

"I'm good." At Georgia's 'yeah-right' look, she went on, "It honestly doesn't matter." Avery tried to assure her, as they walked towards the math class the two friends shared. As they turned the corner, Avery made the mistake of looking towards a certain friend group, a felt a pain in her chest as she did.

Stiles was there, holding hands with Lydia outside of her locker. The two were laughing with their friends. Scott and Allison were also holding hands, the couple looking very much like Stiles and Lydia did. Except, Scott and Allison were an actual couple - which Stiles and Lydia weren't... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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