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"Thanks" Jacob said. "Huh?" I asked not knowing what he was talking about. "You called me beautiful, thank you " he smiled. I blushed in embarrassment and turned away.

FINALLY after the long walk up 4 flights of stairs we made it to my room. He opened the door walked me over to my bed, and sat me down. "Thank you" I said. "No problem beautiful" he chuckled and smiled. I laughed and looked at his eyes, they were ADORABLE. " So you're just admiring my whole body, ok I'm good with that" he smiled. I blushed again, I really thought I was saying this stuff in my head.

"Hey Lanie can we talk" he asked putting his hands on his neck like he was nervous. I looked at him in a scared way, I really didn't want to talk about the situation. "Yea, sure" I smiled. He smiled, got up and closed the door. My eyes became wider. "I'm not gonna rape you , chill"  he said. I couldn't help but just laugh.

He sat across from me on my bed and looked down. "I'm so sorry Lanie, Adiyah isn't even my girlfriend if that helps this sorry ass apology, I'm really bad at these just to let you know" he looked up at me, I smiled. It's ok" I say. He smiled and opened his arms walking around to the other side of the bed to hug me. I hugged him back and kissed his cheek. He blushed extra hard, so I giggled.

"Ok , so now I have a question" I said. "Shoot" he looked straight at me. "What's your secret" I said. He looked scared"what secret" he asked shaking. "Oh come on Jacob don't start with the lies again" I rolled my eyes. He looked at me calmly" promise you won't tell anyone" his eyebrow raised. "Promise" I said and waited. "Wait! Promise you won't stop being my friend" he looked at me. I got scared, if it could ruin our friendship it mist be pretty bad. " you know what never mind I don't wanna hear it" I said. "Why?" He looked curious. "Because once I dropped a girl as a friend just for telling me she liked the color orange" he laughed and looked at me" wait , you're serious aren't you" he looked at me. "Hell yeah I am."

"Oh, OK" he said and got up to leave. "Where ya goin?" I asked. "Just downstairs to ....ummm... Get something to drink you want some?" I could  tell he was lying but I just went along with it, "yep, I want a coke" I smiled, hopping he would smile back. He didn't , he just nodded and went downstairs.

After 30 minutes of waiting Jacob finally came back, but without my pop. "Where's my pop?"  I asked looking annoyed. "Oh, my bad" he laughed. "Your face is green" he said and laughed. He started rocking like he as gonna fall. I got up not caring for my injury and caught him"wtf" I scrunched my face up at hit stinch. I knew that smell anywhere Marijuana.

"JADA, AND SASHA" I yelled. They came running"yes?" Thy both asked. "Put him in one of the guests rooms, hide all the food, and make sure he doesn't find it" I said. They looked at me crazy" whyy??" They both asked. "Y'all don't smell that shit, its strong as fuck" I pulled my shirt over my nose. they shook there heads"no what is it?" Sasha's dumb ass asked. " he's high as fuck, the smell is MARIJUANA!!" they both smelled him" oh, now I smell it" I rolled my eyes. " k, now take him to the guest room, he stinks" they nodded and left.

I laid on my bed and began thinking.

What would make him smoke?
Is that his secret?
Did I make him smoke?
" UUUUGH" I groaned out in frustration. I turned my music on, flipped over and went to sleep.

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