Seeing you again

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I walked out the door and headed towards the mall. I made it to the bus stop and sat down waiting for the bus. Then I began thinking Where was I gonna sleep tonight, I disobeyed Tanekas orders she'll never let me back in FUCK.

Then the bus pulled up, i got on scanned my ID and went straight to the back. I pulled out my headphones, put them in and chilled knowing I had about 20 mins until we made it to them mall.

Lanie's P.O.V

We were all showered, dressed, and ready. "Hurry up hoes!!!" I yelled up my stair case. They both came down and stood next to me, "y'all ready?" I asked. They noddoed." Then let's go"

We walked outside and hopped in Sashas car, and she drove off.

About 10 mins, because we went 90 mph, we made it to the mall. We got out the car shutting and locking it and walked straight into the mall.

" Can we go to Victoria secrets first I need some new bras and panties" I said. They both agreed and we headed straight there. We walked inside and I went straight to the bras. I searched through them all looking for the pretty C-cups. I finally found them and picked up like 10 of them. Then I went to the panties and tried to match them up with the bras I got t like 20 new pair of panties. I walked up to the register to pay for them. " that'll be $108.75" the lady said. I swiped my credit card and puched in my four digits 3-5-1-7 ~made up ~, and grabbed my belongings and we left that store.

We've been walking around the mall for about 2 hours and my feet hurt like hell." Guys can we sit down" we all said in union. We decided to go to the food court to eat also because we were STARVING. We put our bags down at one table and went to the restaraunts. I went to subway because it was the healthiest place. I ordered my food at went to my table already seeing Sasha and Jade but when I turned the corner I also saw someone else at our table, it was a big afro...JACOB ..

I stomped over to them laughing and giggling with Jacob. All of their smiles dropped when they saw me. "Really, I turn away for two seconds and you trade me for the creep, that's just petty" I say. I grabbed all of my bags and walked away. While I was walking away I bumbed into someone, spoling my whole drink on me and dropping my sub on me. Insteadbof the person helping men up they just walked away. The whole mall was laughing, Jade, Sasha, and Jacob came over to help but I just pushed them out of my wah and ran to the bathroom crying.

I ran into the biggest stall, sat down on the floor and cried. It was a silent scr but i know people heard it.

"Lanie where are you ?" I heard Jade call out. I just sat there quiet staring at the wall. "Come on Lanie, forgot those dumb bitches who laughed at you" she said trying to convince me to come out.

She made it to the stall I was in and crawled under the door. Curse these damn stall doors. "Hey babe" she sat beside me. "You OK?" She asked me. I looked at her and she started smiling. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"I don't talk to traitors" I simply said. "Girl aint nobody tradin you for him, he just somebody fun to talk to" she said. " but you're supposed to be my best friends and he broke my heart and your sitting there talking to him like that's not cool." I simply stated.

" Lanie the thing is you didn't even let him geg his side of the story out you just ran away" she said. "What's "his side" of the story" I asked annoyed.

"Adiyahs not even his girlfriend, she has had a HUGE crush on him since kindergarten. And the only reason he was still kissing her when I came back is because she has dirt on him that he wants no one to know about so he listens to EVERYTHING she says, he even showed me the threating messages she sent him" she explained to me his "side" of the story. I nodded my head while listening to her talk about Jacob.

Truthfully I still like Jacob. J

He's sweet and caring and HAAWTT. He's my dream guy. "So hoe you ready to go" she asked. "Yep" I said smiling.

We walked out hand~in ~ hand ∆we're not gay∆ over to the table they were sitting at." Y'all ready to ditch" I asked them, they shook there heads and we left.

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