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Lanie's P.O.V

I was so scared to open my eyes so I just sat there with my eyes closed.I felt a tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to an angry Jacob.

"H-h-hi " I managed to say.He just stared at me.I tried to look over to his dad but he stepped in front me. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He walked all the way back to my house.He opened the door and went my room.he dropped me on the bed and just stared at me from my couch.

"Why did you follow me?" He asked me angrily. "I-i-i" that's all I managed to say before he spoke.  "You really shouldn't have followed me home..first off that's creepy.. Second off I ASKED YOU NOT TO"

He yelled at me  making me jump and fall off my bed.

"Im just a nosey person okay,I like to know what's going on with everyone.. And you were acting all weird and stuff so i followed you the rest of the way"I said while I was on the floor scared as hell.

He just stared and stared." Please stop staring " i ask scared as hell."why,You're nosey  and I like looking at people, we both have a habit right?". He said sarcasticly.

After that he got up and left not saying another word to me. He even took my food,That's just wrong.

Then I thought..wait he wasn't bleeding.. But the gun shot. OH NO HE SHOT HIS DAD

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