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After Harry drank two another glasses of Martini, he was ready to find his friends. He went straight to the dance floor, because he knew that his friends will be there. He was aleo feeling that he was a bit drunk, his moves wasn't coordinated anymore. He was almost in the middle of the dance floor, when he suddenly bumped into somebody's back.
"Oh.. I'm really sorry I didn't see.." his words stucked in his throat, when this person turned around. It was Kit Harington.
"It's okay.. many people has bumped into me tonight.." Kit said with laughing.
"I.. " someone interrupted him.
"There you are! I was looking for you everywhere.." Emilia Clarke giggled and she almost jumped on Kit's neck. Now was Harry totally speechless.
"Emilia.. we have a company.." Kit cleared his throat and smiled at her. Emilia turned around.
"Oh.. Hi.." Emilia said with her lovely hearing voice.
"Hi..." Harry was still totally frozen. His favourite characters from Game of Thrones were in front of him. He felt like in the dream. Emilia narrowed her eyes on him.
"Aren't you that sweet young singer who was performing tonight?" Emilia asked him kindly. Harry loved this woman. She was the cutest human being ever and she was now talking to him. He still couldn't believe it.
"I guess I am.." Harry couldn't even speak. He was still in big shock.
"You're Harry Styles right?" Kit asked him with laughing. Harry came back to the mind.
"Yes, I am.. ahm.. how do you even know me? I mean.. I'm not that famous as you.." Harry was trying to be polite. He was really surprised that Kit and Emilia recognized him. It meant a lot to him.
"Oh C'mon.. I'm not that old.. I've heard couple your songs in the radio already.." Kit laughed.
"I didn't know that you are listening the radio Kit.. what a news.." Emilia laughed and looked at him.
"You still don't know many things about me.." Kit was teasing her. Emilia shaked her head. Harry noticed this moment between them. They were totally in love with each other. Maybe the rumors about them being together were really true, because now they were acting like a real couple. Emilia then looked at Harry.
"You were good tonight.. I like your music." she smiled at him.
"Thank you so much.. it's a pleasure for me to hear these words from you miss Clarke." Harry said kindly.
"You can call me Emilia.." she said with laughing. Harry smiled at her and he countinued.
"I really adore both of you. I love you in the Game of Thrones.. but I really hate the ending. You should both rule the Seven Kingdoms together.." Harry said with excitement.
"Oh.. thank you, you're not the only one who hate this ending. We hate it to.. but please don't tell it to anyone.." Emilia winked at him and laughed. Harry gave her surprised looked and he laughed too.
"Could I take a selfie with you both?" Harry asked them kindly.
"Of course.. I thought you will never ask, because your eyes are shining like a stars when you're looking at us.." Kit said with laughing.
"Kit.. let him be.. he is just our big fan.." Emilia laughed. "Come here my sweet boy.." she came to him and she hugged him. Harry was feeling like he was in the heaven right now. Emilia the biggest angel on this planet, was hugging him. He couldn't be more happier. She smiled at him and Kit stood up next to him. Harry took his phone from his pocket and then he took a selfie with them.

"Thank you for your time.. it's amazing that I could even talk to you.." Harry laughed.
"I like you Styles.. I think we could be friends in the future.." Kit laughed.
"It would be my pleasure.. " Harry said proudly. "I gotta go now.. but I hope I will see you again soon.. enjoy the night.." Harry smiled at them.
"We hope too.. and don't worry I will certainly write you on the Instagram.." Emilia smiled at him. Harry started blushing and then he started leaving from them. He still couldn't believe what just happened, he met the Dragon Queen and the King in the North. This night was really getting better and better.
After couple of seconds he spotted Jordan and Adam dancing and he went towards them. But he was trying to go slowly because he was still feeling the effect of alcohol.
"Look who is back!" Jordan almost screamed it.
"Please stop screaming Jordan.." Harry frowned at him. "Where is Vincent?" Harry looked at Adam.
"Still wit Emma.. but are you drunk Harry?" Adam was confused and surprised at the same time.
"A bit.. I was talking to Jodie Comer.. who wouldn't be drunk after this?" Harry explained.
"And?..." Jordan was impatient.
"She should return to me for a while.." Harry said proudly.
"I told you that she likes you!" Jordan said with excitement.
"Woow.. This is crazy Harry.. do you belive that this is all really happening?" Adam was excited.
"I know.. it's really unbelievable.. and couple minutes ago I also met Kit and Emilia.." Harry said with laughing.
"No way.." Adam said with excitement.
"Yeah.. crazy right?! I must admit they two are really amazing!" Harry laughed.
"No, this is crazy.. turn around Harry, she is coming here.." Jordan mouth almost fell open. He quickly turned around and their eyes met. She came to him.
"I told you I will find you.." Jodie smiled at him. Harry gave her big smile and he immediately caught her hand and caressed it. She gave him surprised looked. He knew he shouldn't had do it, but he wanted to feel her presence.
"Ahm.." Jordan cought. Harry turned to him, but he didn't let her hand.
"Jodie.. this is Jordan Mayers and Adam Lorraine, my band. Boys.. this is Jodie Comer." Harry said calmly.
"Nice to meet you.. by the way your band is awesome.." Jodie smiled at them.
"Thank you.. It's pleasure to meet you miss Comer.." Jordan was amazed by her.
"You're are very talented.." Adam could barely speak.
"Thank you.." Jodie laughed.
"If you excuse us.." Harry looked at them to understand.
"Of course.. enjoy the night." Jordan nodded. Jodie smiled at them and then they both started leaving from them.

"Are you drank Harry?" Jodie giggled while they walking to the middle of the dance floor.
"I was a bit.. but you made me sober after I saw you.. you're so sexy.." Harry said seductively. Then he realized what he just said. The alcohol was clearly working. He started blushing.
"I mean.. I.." Jodie interrupted him.
"You're so cute..when you're drunk.." she laughed. He started feeling embarrassed. They stopped walking.
"Would like to have a dance with me?" he wanted to quickly change the topic, but he knew it wasn't a good idea because he was an awful dancer.
"Yeah.. I would.." she smiled at him. Then they started dancing, the music was slow. Harry then hesitated. He wanted to touch her, but he didn't know if it is a good move.
"Would you finally put your hands around my waist or what?" Jodie raised her eyebrow and laughed.
"Sorry.. I don't know what's happening with me right now.." Harry said with laughing. Then he leaned closer to her and he slowly put his hands around hers waist. He was nervous, but he was happy to being so closer to her. She smiled at him. Then she put her hands around his neck. Harry immediately stiffened.
"So.. was is so hard?" Jodie was teasing him.
"No at all.." Harry laughed.
"Don't be ashamed of me.. I won't bite you.." Jodie said with laughing.
"I'm just a bit nervous.." Harry smiled at her.
"I know and you should really do something with it.." she leaned closer to him and whispered to his ear. Their bodies were touching. Harry then caressed her back and his hand started slowly sliding down towards her butt. She put her chin on his shoulder. He could felt her warm breath. Harry smiled under his nose. This was better than his most amazing dream. He leaned closer his head to her and he gave soft kiss on her neck.
"I suppose you that you're not nervous anymore.." she giggled into his ear.
"Thanks to you.." Harry smiled at her and he pushed even closer to him. He knew that maybe people were watching, but he didn't care about. He only cared about her. He's never met someone like her. Maybe she was big star in Hollywood, but for him she was the biggest star on the sky. He's never believed in the love on first sight, but he fell in love with her at the first moment when she looked at him in that bar and he couldn't stop his feelings for her anymore.
"I think we should go outside.." Jodie smiled at him. Harry came back from his thoughts.
"Yeah.. I agree.." he told her kindly and smiled at her. Then they slowly pulled away and started leaving.

They left from the the building and they went to the corner on the left side, where was a big shadow. They didn't want to be seen and then wanted some privacy.
"I was bit surprised by your moves when we were dancing.." Jodie giggled.
"Me too.. but I hope it wasn't to much.." Harry said worriedly.
"No it wasn't.. I would tell you to stop if it was bothering me.." Jodie smiled at him. Harry looked into her eyes. He hesitated and took a deep breath.
"I really like you Jodie.. but.." Harry told her honestly.
"But?" Jodie raised her eyebrow.
"I'm confused.. I've never felt nothing like this to anybody as what I'm feeling to you to.. I mean.. I don't even know you yet, but I would like to know everything about you.. it's that normal?" Harry was really confused, but at least he wasn't nervous anymore. Her presence could calm him down.
"I like you too Mr. Styles.. I like that your so honest.." she laughed a bit and she leaned closer to him, their lips almost touched. Harry stiffened. He wanted to kiss her lips. He raised his eyes on her. She was staring at him and she clearly wanted the same. He leaned his mouth even closer to her lips, he could feel her breath. He was ready to kiss her, but at that moment he suddenly pulled away from her.
"I can't.." Harry looked at her sadly.
"Why? I thought you wanted it.." she was confused.
"If I will kiss you now, I wouldn't be able to leave you.." Harry softly caressed her cheek.
"Then don't leave me.." Jodie leaned to kiss him, but he stopped her.
"Jodie please.. don't make it harder for me.." Harry begged her. Jodie took a deep breath.
"Alright.. I think it won't work.." she then open her handbag and took a card from it. She looked into his eyes. Harry was watching her every move. She grabbed his hand and gave him the card. She leaned towards his ear. Harry was now totally confused.
"South Bay Hotel, room 313. If you'd change your mind.." Jodie whispered into his ear and then she softly kissed his cheek. She looked at him and smiled a bit, then she turned around and she started leaving away from him.
Harry was speachless.

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