Its just missing HIM.chap 2

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  Luffys P.O.V

"Luffy?" The blond asked .

 "Hay,Sabo watcha doing here?"  I asked as he slowly walked towards the  Sunny, I jumped down and ran towards him.

 "Hay, can i come with you?"

"What...?" I looked at Sabo, he wasn't joking, and that shocked me.

"I have to ask your dad tho..." Sabo gave me a big smile "Oh, and why did you do that to the soldiers?"

 "I didn't do anything..."  i told him and he gave me a look that said 'yeah, sure' Sabo then got up and went back the way he came.

*time skip*

Sabo came back a few hours later with a bag over hes solder. when he came close enough to the Sunny he jumped up.

 "Okay,"I say to my self as i suck in some air" GUYS COME TO THE DECK! CAPTAIN ORDERS!" Sabo had covered hes ears at my very loud call for my pack.

 When every one had come to the grassy  deck i pointed to Sabo with a huge grin on my face and said"This is my older brother!"

Sabo took a step forward and smiled "Hi, im Sabo and its very  nice to meet all of you.I hope Luffy hasn't been too much trouble." 

"No, not at all." The crew said in unison.

 "Luffy, Lunch will be done soon, so go clean up. Your covered with dirt..." Sanji told me as he turned to the kitchen ,so i just gave a big grin, turned to go to the bathroom and said with a laugh "It's not dirt!Its gun powder.."

 Every one on the ship sighed as i laugh.

Our P.O.V.

 Everyone went to do what they were doing , except Nami"So  are you two actually related or did you just drink with the other two." She smiled at Sabo, who returned the kind smile."Nope, just the drink." He looked down at hes hands and smiled sadly at the memories of Ace.

"Well, im Nami, the navigator of this ship! ...And maybe the only normal one." She added the last part as an after thought. 

 "Im going to be in my work room, so feel free to explore!" She waived Sabo bye as she went to her work space leaving Sabo alone.

Sabo's P.O.V.

*Well might as well explore this crazy ship while im here...*I thought as I turned to a random door and went in.

The blond guy was standing at the strove ."It smells amazing in here!"The cook turned to me and smiled."there's a reason im the ships cook. Btw the names Sanji."

We talked for a bit before i left my bag there and left to explore more.

When i left the kitchen i  herd a familiar  voice calling me "Hay Sabo, i can show you around the ship!" ijust smiled at my little brother and noded my head. 

time skip.

  A half an hour later, Sanji's voice was herd throw out the ship calling for lunch.

Luffys eyes turned to stars and he was gone, so i followed him. When i got there everyone was  at the table. 

 Sanji was coming from the kitchen with food in his hands, Robin was giggling at the sight that was reviled to her, Nami was yelling  at everyone to calm down, Luffy was trying to steal food from Sanji's hands, Zoro was loudly snoring, Frenky was yelling something  about hes new invention being SUPER, Brook was laughing, Usopp and Chopper were fooling around, and Law looked like he regreted hes choice of stepping on the ship.

It was really noisy, but it felt like home to me, like Luffy and Ace, but more....Its just missing a loud mouth man with the will of D.


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