Chapter 1

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Horror is speaking

A proxy is speaking

A normal person is speaking

Slenderman is speaking


The sky was dark, the trees making strange twisting shapes on the forest floor. A figure wandered in this forest. He his footsteps making no sound as he started to move towards a group of people. They were gathered round a campfire. Roasting smores and telling stories. The figure reached the edge of the clearing. Watching the campers. He tilted his head as a teenager rose to his feet unsteadily. He launched into a story, one about ghosts, killers and people who went missing in the woods. These woods specifically.

Once the boy was finished he got a small round of applause. But another boy rose to his feet. He told another story. One about a man. A boy, who suffered a horrible fate and became a monster. The hooded man listened to the entire story, he found it interesting.

'Could there be another killer in these woods?' He thought to himself. 'I have seen other corpses.'

He just shrugged and once the boy sat down, he stepped out of the shadow. The first one to see him was a girl. A girl who was teasing the others who got freaked out by the stories. She saw him and stopped. Then she called out,

"H-hello? W-who a-are y-y-you?" She stuttered, to this unknown intruder. Her fear starting to rise, goaded on by the horror stories that were still in her mind. "A-are you lost?" She called out. By now the other teenagers had noticed the man. They each had different reactions, some started to shiver as the temperature started to drop. Others tried to hold a strong face whilst inside they were shaking just as much as the others. After a few seconds of frightful silence, the man started to move. Taking one step in-front of the other as he came closer to the group. His voice raspy and strained.

"No, i'm not Lost"

The man croaked. He came closer and one of the younger girls noticed something shiny glint out from inside his jacket. She started to shuffle backwards, away from the man. He pulled it out and it hung by his side. An axe, stained red. As more of the campers noticed. They gained a little confidence and clambered to their feet. The man smiled under his hood. As they ran, the man raised his arm. And bones grew from the ground. Impaling each camper at least once.

The man snapped his bony fingers and the bones were replaced by strange floating creatures. Each creature carried a few of the teenagers. Following the strange man back into the trees.

Unknown to the man, another human was there. Though this one was alive. He stood behind a tree, watching the man as he worked.

Jeff smiled to himself,

'Slendy would love to meet this guy!'

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