This Is My Boyfriend

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The Masked Figure approached Oliver and Barry where they were standing a few feet from their booth.
  "Let me handle this." Oliver said with a clenched jaw and he cracked his fingers as if preparing for a fight. "You're not gonna fight him are you?" Barry wondered worriedly but Oliver didn't have time to respond because the figure with the dark mask over it's whole face was already standing right in front of them.
  "I thought you were dead." The person said and it was obvious that he or she was using a voice modulator. "Well I'm not." Oliver said and faked a colder voice. The Masked Figure was intrigued. "What about your wife?" the stranger asked. Oliver glanced back at Barry behind him before he responded. "She's dead." he said and now he understood why Leo didn't think Kara being nearby was a good idea if they had to pretend to be their evil versions.
  "So where the hell have you been for the past few months huh and who the hell is that guy?" The Masked Figure was getting more impatient and angry by the second and he pointed angrily at Barry. Oliver reached for Barry's hand and intertwined their fingers. "This is my boyfriend, Barry Allen." Oliver said with a tenderness in his voice and for a short second Barry's heart skipped a beat even though he knew this was just part of their undercover plan.
  The Masked Figure laughed mockingly. "Oh is he now?" And without any notice he punched Barry in his face. Barry wasn't prepared for it and took a few stumbling steps backwards while he pressed his hands against his bleeding nose.
  "You son of a bitch!" Oliver said and punched the Masked Figure and a fight broke loose. The Masked Figure and Oliver was kicking and punching each other. The Masked Figure flew into a table that broke. Other guests in the bar were staring in shock at the fight. Oliver was thrown into another table and a few glasses broke. Whoever it was behind the mask was strong but didn't seem to have any powers. Oliver got another punch in but that triggered the person behind the mask and he pinned Oliver against the wall while punching him repeatedly. Barry got so stressed he didn't even think before he ran to get Oliver and ran him outside. "Go!" Barry yelled and Oliver started the motorbike and Barry ran back inside to grab the Masked Figure, handcuffed him and ran him back to Leo's place.

"Oh my god what happened?" Kara said after Barry had thrown the Masked Figure into the bathroom, tied him up and locked the door. He didn't even care to answer her question.
  "Where's Ollie?" Barry asked worriedly and looked around. Just a few seconds later Oliver stumbled in through the door. Barry threw his arms around him because he was just so thankful he was safe. Oliver groaned in pain from the beating.
  "Now would you please tell me what happened?" Kara asked. She looked worried, confused and stressed. "We were attacked by whoever that is in there." Barry said and pointed at the bathroom door. Oliver opened the bathroom door and dragged the Masked Figure out in the living room where they were standing.
  "I just wanna know who this jerk is." Oliver said and pulled the dark mask from the face. He took a few steps back when he realized who's doppelgänger it was. After the recent fight he had with the real John before he left their own earth, seeing his face brought back everything they said.
  "Dig?" Barry asked in confusion. All three of them exchanged a worried look. "Who the hell is Dig? My name is John Stewart." The previously Masked Figure said.
  "Who are you working for?" Kara asked and reminded him what she could do by shooting lasers next to him. "I'd rather die than tell you." John said frustratedly and tried to jerk free from the handcuffs. Then suddenly Barry got an idea that he could lead them back to whoever he was working for. "Just let him go." he said and they all looked at him. "Are you crazy? Who knows what he'll do?" Oliver said angrily and glared at Barry. "And he knows your identity now. By the way what were you thinking?!" Oliver continued to yell at Barry.
  "Wait? You revealed your powers?" Kara asked in horror. Barry sighed. "I had to! He was hurting you." he said and glared at Oliver with worry more than anger.
  "Just let me go, I'm getting sick of this lovers spat going on." John said and Oliver kicked him again. "Shut up! You're not gonna walk out of here alive if you don't tell us who you're working for!" Oliver was even more angry because he looked like Diggle and he said so many horrible things to him before he left.
  "I'm not telling you anything! You're gonna have to kill me." John said and for a second Oliver was considering it. He went to fetch his bow.
  "No, Ollie, don't. You're not gonna kill him." Barry said and tried to calm him down by placing his hand on his shoulder. Oliver relaxed a tiny bit and sighed. "Exactly we'll lock him up and question him in the morning." Kara said and dragged him into the kitchen and tied him to a chair as well as cuffed him to it so he couldn't get anywhere. Then Oliver put a gag in his mouth and put the mask back on his face before he locked the door to the kitchen.
  "Oliver and Diggle had a pretty bad fall out before we left our earth." Barry said to Kara because she looked pretty confused and worried. "Ahh, that explains a lot." she said and then they closed the door to the kitchen.
  "By the way where's Leo?" Barry asked. They'd all been busy with Johns doppelgänger that he hadn't noticed Snart wasn't there until now. "He went back to the hospital to stay with Ray. He's fine but he had to stay over another night." Kara explained. "Speaking off it's probably time to call this a night too." she added.

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