Chapter 13: Try me, sugar

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When classes had finally ended, Angela felt like she had a mission. Avoid everyone who was approaching her. She knew for a fact that the student population had seen her sit with the Big Three, and that could only mean one thing. More people would take that as a green light to start talking to her, and quite frankly, she didn't want anything to do with them.

Angela felt like a secret agent as she swiftly made her way to the headmistress' office. Whenever someone was coming her way, she'd take a different route, or duck in a certain place, avoiding all eye contact. It took her a while, but she managed to get to the office just 20 minutes after the bell rang.

She waved at the lady at the desk (she should really learn her name) and knocked on the mahogany door thrice before peeking in, scanning the room. Hey, she still remembered that time she just entered without warning and faced Kyle. Let's just say she learnt her lesson since then.

There was no one else in the office, and Mrs Brook was at her desk, phone tucked between her ear and shoulder. Angela quietly slid in and sat in the familiar leather couches, relaxing. Mrs Brook gave her a pointed look, bringing her finger to her lips to tell her to keep quiet. Angela made a motion to zip her lips, throwing away the 'key'. Mrs Brook eyes tinkled in amusement before carrying on with her conversation.

Angela quickly pulled out her phone to text Marcus.

Angela: heyy no need to pick me up

Marcus: who are you and where is my mistress

Marcus: I swear I will send every cop in the city after you if you do not reveal your location right now

Angela: oh shut up malfoy, it's me calm your tits

Marcus: lol thank goodness. And why don't I need to pick you up? I'm already here waiting

Marcus: ...

Marcus: you there?

Angela: Kyle's sending me home

Marcus: ... wow, boi moves fast huh. Sooo it's a date?

Angela: ...

Angela: no

Marcus: it totally is.

Angela: no it's not

Marcus: it is

Angela: it's really not

Marcus: uh huh

Angela: ... what if he says it is?

Marcus: See! Hey, this doesn't mean I approve of Kaleb, you hear me?

Marcus: the boi-

Angela put her phone away, not wanting to see Marcus go on his mother hen ranting. Trust her, it's bad in real life, but on text, it's way worse. She listened in on what Mrs Brook's conversation, or whatever was left of it.

"Yes sir... Of course. Is there anything else? Their schedules? Exactly the same? All of them? Are you sure? ...Okay. On Monday? Sure. I'll see to it immediately. Yes. No problem sir." With that she hung up the phone.

Angela raised her brow. "Sir?" The only one she knew Mrs Brook called sir was her father. And her suspicions were confirmed.

"That was your father. He had a small request, that's all." Mrs Brook didn't provide any other explanation, choosing to write something on the papers in front of her.

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