"I don't think I know the answer to your question myself Miss Ray, all I know is I was quite relieved seeing you alive and kicking." He told her and walked away. Christopher knew she wasn't his, not his, not for his taking. But soon he will change that, and she won't get a reason to complain, isn't she? Once she will be kept by him, there won't be a reason that she can be reluctant to let him come close to her, will she?

He took some warm soup and placed it in a bowl. Now he wished he could have been a better cook, but that talent as only ever shown in his brother sadly. He took two bowls and walked towards her tolling the tray. She was talking to someone.

 "No, I am fine baba, yes we will be meeting for Mia's engagement, I will not miss it, I am sure of it." She paused. And then she listened to whatever the person was saying on the phone. "Yes baba, he is taking care of me, though I don't know why I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment from him."

He almost held his breath; Christopher knew she was talking about him. He stopped and listened. "I know baba, but I feel bad keeping him here when he should be out there preparing for his engagement, I so don't want to become a burden, I never wished to become a burden on anyone." Why she even think that it is burden? In fact Christopher was enjoying someone's company for the first time. And she thinks she is a burden.

He cleared her throat and she turned around. "Baba, I have to go now, I will see you soon ok?" She said. Then she cut the call and looked at him. "I have something, not much, but as you can see I am not a cook." She smiled. 

"It's ok sir, you cannot be best at everything, you are best at what you should be best at." That sounded as an insult than a praise to Christopher. Now, he wish he had known how to cook the little basics. He will learn, how hard can it be? Maybe give his brother a call and get a crash course?

"That is warm, eat up before it gets cold and also you need to take your medicines." Christopher said. "Thank you, sir, for taking care of me." "Oh, Miss Ray, I am not taking care of you for greater good, I am taking care of you for my own selfish motives" She took the spoon in her hand. "And what they might be?" She asked. He smiled, "If you know that little pixie, you are going to run for hills."

He came closer taking her spoon from her hand and dipped it in liquid blowing over it and put it in his mouth. "Hmmm... that's delicious. Maybe a little hot, shall I cool it down for you?" he asked. She took the spoon from his hand. "I can do that sir, thank you for doing all that for me. You should get some rest, you look terrible." She said.

"Well now, you did notice Miss Ray, I thought your observational skills were remarkable. But I think your cognitive skills are getting slow, it is a sign that you are getting older, ever thought of who will take care of you once you cannot remember where you put the keys to your house?" He asked holding the spoon to her mouth. She looked at him, in his dual coloured eyes. The feature that she found quite attractive.

"What are you talking about? I have no idea." "Husband, I am talking about taking a husband ever thought about that?" He asked. 

"No, I never thought about being married, honestly all I ever had in my life is my dream of being the top neurologist and surgeon who can help as many people as I can. And the thought of love and a husband and marriage never did cross my mind" She said accepting the soup as he fed her. Though why, she had no idea. Why he is doing what he is doing, if he continued to do these things, she doesn't know how she can control herself.

After they are done with the food, he had given her medicines, and walked out of the room. She however was unable to fall asleep for some reason. Maybe it was because it was a new place, or maybe because she was alone here, not having her friends to talk to her about their days and hers till she falls asleep. She tried to get up but again she felt pain engulfing her, a muffled scream.

She held the bed falling back. Right now Pia hated herself. She hated herself for being weak, for depending on someone for doing her daily chores. "Miss Ray, you could have just called me." She saw him shirtless with a tattoo running over his left shoulder to down his chest." She averted her gaze. "I...I was just trying to get some water." She said. He left returning back with some.

"why don't you call me instead little pixie?" He asked. "I try not to disturb you sir" she told him. "You are not Miss Ray, in fact I don't quite get to sleep when I have much to do most night, in fact, I don't come home, my hospital cabin is the homeliest place in my life." "So, you don't do late nights, or go to club or pick up random girls on the way?" She asked.

"I don't have that much privilege, Miss Ray. However, I do enjoy something else on the nights I am home, and that is relaxing Miss Ray" He said coming closer.

 She closed her eyes tightly. He picked up the remote from the bedside table and walked towards the wall. And then pressed some buttons and pulled something. "I watch a nice movie, want to watch a movie Miss Ray? We can do it together, I can bring some unhealthy snacks"

"Am I allowed to do that?" She asked. "I am allowed to do that, why cant you Miss Ray? And if something happens, I will be here for you" He told her. "Will you?" she asked, "Yes, I will not be going to leave you alone ever again little Pixie." He whispered. Then he asked her what she wished to watch.

"I...I don't know Sir, why don't you choose?" She asked. "Aright since it was season of Love. Let's watch some romance, what do you say?" He asked. She nodded. He got the things ready and played the movie. He settled down next to her, and kept the bowl of popcorn in middle of them.

As the movie progressed, he found himself looking at her expression more than he was looking at the movie. And found himself getting amused again and again. To why he was doing such a thing. He had no idea what makes him utterly speechless in these moments, or helpless attracted towards her. He was helpless in this case and he had no idea why. It seems to be unexplainable to why he was feeling like this, there wasn't any explanation.

He felt her leaning more to him, she slowly put her head over his shoulder and her breath even out. It put a smile on his face. Finally, she is asleep. He put her down gently on the bed and covered her with duvet. He cleaned up and switched off the television. And then he came back inside, and switched off the lights placing a kiss on her forehead.

A beautiful smile spread on her face. She turned her face towards him. And her hands roamed around until it found his t-shirt and she clutched it. He gave in and slid in next to her. He pulled her closer she placed her head on his arm to get a more comfortable position. He was somehow felt his anger dissipating and he don't know why, but for some reason, he felt content.

"What is it about you? I don't want to let it go, I don't want to see you walk away. And I never felt like this before. I never did talked to a sleeping girl, while she dreams away. But this, this feels so different. This feels so much comfortable, so much unrealistic. He was in peace, can it be that he can be peaceful like this.

He felt her move against him trying to get a comfortable position and then she cuddled him, and then her breath even out again. At least she is here safe next to him. That counts isn't it? That should count. At least she is not in pain for now. 

But what she had done for him so far, she could just have told his secret to anyone, but she kept it to herself. And something tells him she is a keeper so right now, he is going to keep up to those feelings, he is going to keep her for him. 

Word Count: 2274 Words

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